• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • At one point in time I illustrated my own version, I think I made it to like 20 plates out of 26 or so.

    I had to stop working on the project while ‘out’ at like work or cafes, because people would snoop over my shoulder and then assume that I’m a fucking psycho. When I started the project, I had assumed that it was a relatively common and well-known little picturebook. Turns out no.

  • Thank you! I wasn’t sure it’s appropriate to ping ernest - or what the approved bug reporting mechanism was here.

    It may be worth linking to this thread? I think that whatever is going on with the sort-of-deleted-post there is what’s causing the inbox errors.

    And thanks!, re the username. It was my handle on Reddit, too, snagged when only like two books in the series were out. At the time it was a couple niche fantasy novels and he was a side character that only appeared briefly in the first book, whose name sounded cool when said out loud. …Now that the whole series is out, wildly popular, and the character played a massive role, I feel like the kid who picked “superman” as his super-original internet username.

  • Yeah there’s two ‘main’ kinds of people who want a platform where users are able to post hate speech and reach “everyone” with it.

    • People who want to be hateful and want access to the targets of their hate. They want to upset people, they want to ‘own the libs’ or be able to toss slurs at minorities, and those things are unrewarding for them if they don’t get to see how upset they’ve made their targets.

    • People who want to recruit people to being hateful. They want to convince normal people to share their prejudices and their biases, they want “debates” or would like to share “statistics” and are seeking a soapbox that can reach people who might find their views convincing.

    This is a huge part of why defederation works, why platforms like Voat or Gab rarely thrive for very long. Being hateful in an echo chamber towards people who are outside the room is rarely fun for those folks, and very often results in in-fighting and fragmenting of the movement. Moderates and ‘normies’ are driven off because now they’re a target rather than a participant or spectator.

  • I criticized you for jumping to conclusions and fabricating narrative to support them. And apparently you got so offended by the criticism that … you went and did it all over again, targeting me, committing even harder to the bit.

    You just wrote a bunch of wild fanfiction about me and then tried to have an argument with that imaginary version of me. Might as well just yell at ghosts in the shower if you’re that desperate to feel like you’ve snatched some petty victory from the jaws of self-inflicted defeat that is this thread.

    You’re the problem with your own experience.

    This response is hugely excessive for the “provocation” and yet I’m sure you’ll storm off imagining that I’m the big meanie here and you were some completely reasonable and utterly justified saint of good behaviour - for absolutely going off on someone who gently mocked your very serious demands for everyone to be nicer to you and meaner to the people you dislike. And you’ve done that to everyone who wasn’t fawningly positive towards you in this thread - that you started by being hateful and childish towards a site you just left and the userbase of the site you just joined.

    Even with the tiny sample size I can see why you have so many encounters with “toxic” people. You antagonize and attack people, then pretend they were the toxic ones if they defend themselves.

    It’s not hard to miss that you’ve just happened to call me all of the things that other people have told you about yourself in this thread. Hell, this whole little speech would have been far more appropriate as something someone said to you, if they were trying to hurt your feelings; so given how off the mark it was when directed at me, it’s easy to wonder if maybe you’re projecting a little here.

  • The idea that Reddit is staging some nefarious conspiracy to “poison” fediverse spaces … is losing the whole plot.

    OP’s straight up writing fanfiction trying to cast a site they just left as villains in some swashbuckling coming-of-age story. It’s a nine-hour-old account, and they’re already embracing the Us vs Them mentality and trying to sell it with prose.

    I don’t know how OP managed to pick fights within a couple hours of signing up for their account, but I’d suggest that if they left Reddit for “toxicity” only to immediately find it here too … maybe they’re carrying it around with them?