• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • As a left leaning individual with multiple firearms and plenty of ammunition for them, might want to consider there are plenty of us are part of that 47%.

    Obviously a sample bias, but quite a few fellow veterans that I went to college with could put my meager collection to shame and share similar viewpoints.

    That being said, your doomer outlook and gross oversimplification/assumptions are a joke. There will be no civil war, assholes will continue to be assholes, and you are still making this shit up as you type. Most of these Meal Team 6, cosplaying motherfuckers are too chickenshit to have an altercation where they aren’t the only one with the scary broomstick, and 99% of the blowhards wouldn’t last a day in an actual combat scenario let alone a “war”.

    Bigots are bigots and will constantly attempt to suppress that which doesn’t align with their narrow minded worldview, however a civil war is not on the horizon… JFC get over yourself.

  • The Fediverse is already fractured and niche, are you saying that someone should fine the perfect 36 user community, that only those subscribers are knowledgeable about, to post this to? Or perhaps news about the global platform might be relevant in the largest technology community?

    2 years ago Twitter was where news broke, now it is where we get to watch a billionaire go broke in real time.

    If it bothers you so much, block all mentions of the platform, person, etc.

  • Possibly, but could also just be a regional/being an ass thing.

    I’m in the Southern US and if you don’t sidestep or flat out get out of the way of someone (not just a woman) with a “pardon me” you’re seen as a jackass.

    However, I’ve traveled the world and as a 6 foot tall, 200lb man I got a wide berth when walking down the sidewalks in a lot of countries, have to get out of the way in others, seen people cross the street when they saw me, but then have some 5’ nothing dude with a chip on his shoulder try to start a fight with me for existing in Boston (note this is just a very Boston thing)