Sounds like you’re shadowbanned.
Sounds like you’re shadowbanned. is the best website to play and study chess on, hands down, and it’s entirely Libre/FOSS, with zero ads or trackers (e. g. read here:
Billionaires are a scourge of humanity.
Thanks for the correction! That’s a nice bit of additional trivia which I wasn’t aware of even though I’ve seen the tea party cartoon a thousand times. :)
Here it is, for reference:
Welcome to the Calvin & Hobbes universe! Hobbes is shown as a stuffed animal anytime a human other than Calvin is in the picture.
Nein, sie haben ein Steuerschlupfloch genutzt:
Übrigens entgehen Berlin gerade Steuereinnahmen in Höhe von ca. 1 Milliarde €, weil Vonovia bei der Übernahme von DW und damit dem Erwerb von Immobilien im Wert von 20 Milliarden € insgesamt Grunderwerbssteuern in Höhe von 0,00 € zahlt. Geld ist reichlich vorhanden. Man müsste es sich nur nehmen.
Ok granted, that may be true. I wouldn’t be able to tell as I left in June '23 and never looked back. But from what I read about the protests back then, I seem to remember that only few subs had to have their mod team replaced by Reddit. I think if more mod teams of big subs had been willing to call it quits as a team, the disruption could have been bigger.
In the end though, I don’t know if any form of protest can be effective in this kind of situation as Reddit holds all the cards, and if they are dead set on enshittifying, nothing will stop them. What mods and users should do is just walk out.
Effective how? Reddit went through with everything they had planned. It could have been an effective form of protesting if more mods had actually been willing to leave the site or at least their modding job for good.
Danke! Klinische Psychologie/Psychotherapie.
Habe heute meine Bachelorarbeit abgegeben, damit ist Teil 1 des Studiums endgültig geschafft. Jetzt zwei Wochen dolce vita, danach gehts mit dem Master weiter.
Libgen and scihub have done more for science than any of those shitty journal publishers.
Natürlich. In ihrer Social-Media-Bubble werden sie das Verfassungsgericht als bösartigen Komplizen der aLtPaRtEiEn darstellen, und die Leute werden es glauben.
Bestimmt wird das nach der SPD, der WASG, der Linken, dem BSW, der MLPD, der DKP, der SGP, der DiB, MERA25, der du. und der LIEBE jetzt endlich die Partei, die den Durchbruch für linke Themen bringt! /s
Bestimmt wird das nach den Grünen, der Tierschutzpartei, der ödp, der Tierschutzallianz, Tierschutz hier!, der Klimaliste, der Letzten Generation und der V-Partei jetzt endlich die Partei, die den Durchbruch für Klima- und Ökothemen bringt! /s
True. But it’s still three men named in the list of Nobel Prize winners, when a woman first made the actual discoveries. So even if there was no foulplay, it’s important to shine a light on women like Franklin.
See also Rosalind Franklin who first discovered DNA’s double helix structure (three men later received the Nobel Prize for this finding).
And more examples here.
The Village
O Brother Where Art Thou
Pride and Prejudice
Shutter Island
to name a few.
At the debate his (painted) skin was literally a darker shade than Harris’s.