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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Imagine evolving awesome feet that let you stand upside down or climb nearly anything then some fucking human comes along and glues their inferior footwear over that, places a mic to listen as you try to get them off your feet in a panic, says “hmmm, well that’s what it sounds like”, posts it on the internet, then later on says, “ok yeah that is pretty annoying” as you’re starting to accept your new inferior life and squishes you.

    Or even worse, puts you outside so that the bugs that once feared you laugh at you before a bird cautiously pecks and you to see if the things on your feet are traps then swallows you before choking on the tiny flip flops.

  • I assume it’s like the new car smell. Pleasant or not, it’s from inhaling plastic and paint particles and other chemicals as the excesses evaporate and loose pieces come loose and become airborne.

    Steam Deck is probably similar. Plastics, anti-corrosion coatings on heat sink fins, trace metals and solder, inks from the PCB, maybe the occasional ion leftover if there’s any micro-arcing.

    I’d guess it lasts a long time because the cooling airflow continually erodes whatever is in its path, while new cars don’t have that continuous erosion so eventually all the particles that were going to escape do and the ones left over are more stable.

  • Yeah, I bought fairly recently (as interest rates were starting to climb) and it was 100% a qol decision rather than a financial one. I’m paying more in interest now than I was paying in rent before, so instead of giving my money away to a landlord, I’m giving it away to my mortgage company.

    The only way I’ll come out ahead financially is if the value goes up. But I have mixed feelings on that, too, because the housing situation is fucked here and value continuing to go up will mean that the situation is still fucked. I don’t want this place to be my home forever, so if the price here goes up, then the price of better places will also go up and it ends up being a wash until I don’t need to own and can sell, but even that would be tough because inheritance is probably going to be my daughter’s only way of ever owning her own place.

    Or, on the other hand, if they fix the housing issue here by limiting the number of residences any person can own and barring corporations from owning at all (or at least not having them count as new people for number of places they can own), then prices will crash and most people who currently has a mortgage will end up owing more than their house is worth and will still be fucked in that way. Unless the government makes the banks eat some of that or does a bailout for homeowners.

    But anything in the above paragraph would probably take a revolution to actually happen because all of these bugs for regular people are features for those that have the wealth to influence the political power.

  • Sounds to me like he should be given veto power in projects he gets hired on to. I didn’t mind the Witcher because I hadn’t gotten very far into the lore myself and didn’t see how much it had gone off the original path, but I’m kinda tired of producers and directors taking an existing story but then changing huge parts of it.

    There’s nothing wrong with telling your own story but enough with the bait and switch ones. Give it your own name, don’t leech off of the name recognition of already loved stories.

  • It was bad writing pretty much across the board. Poe, Rey, Finn, and Leia got a pass from me mostly based on not being introduced as a barrier to the other characters and having got shit done previously. I felt as negatively about Luke as I did about Rose or Holdo in that movie, worse even because he could have been and done so much more, despite his past (or maybe because of it, ep 8 Luke was just a disappointment compared to his previous versions, like they took his only negative trait from the earlier films, his whining, and made that his main trait, despite him being mostly over it in ep 6).

    And I agree that Rose wasn’t a Mary Sue, but figuring out the weakness of hyperspeed tracking based on nothing at all was a Mary Sue moment (and Finn looked just as stupid for enthusiastically guessing where her mind was headed).

    And some differences between Poe’s and Holdo’s plans were a) the audience was informed of Poe’s plan (which sounded a lot like a typical Star Wars plan similar to their infiltration of the death star in ep 4) and for all we knew, Holdo had no plan but slowly let her ships get picked off as they ran out of fuel, and b) Poe’s plan made the chase that made up most of the movie more interesting while Holdo’s was a stall and run, which might have been a better plan but was so underwhelming after so much of the movie focused on that stupid chase.

    And yeah, misogyny certainly played a role in the vehemence of the reaction and the bullying of the actors. Incels and other flavours of hate have a higher representation than average in a lot of nerdy niches. I just think that the producers chased that controversy rather than it falling upon them and resent that they did that to those actors even knowing how “fans” had reacted to kid Anakin and Jar Jar.

  • Worst is when the disappointing stuff are things you don’t think of until you use it. Like my convection toaster oven is the best oven I’ve ever had but I hate it because the UI is awful. It’s all preset based with presets I never use when there’s only like 4 options to adjust, so I need to figure out which preset is closest to what I want then adjust it from there because none of the presets are good for anything without adjust them.

    It makes buying things a bit of an ordeal, but on the other hand, I can’t say I really dislike usually deciding to not buy something until I can do more research on it.

    It also means that getting me a gift that would be something I’d really care about is going to be very difficult if you want it to be a surprise. I am picky as hell and hate badly designed shit, which includes most things. So I’ll appreciate the thought and effort of a gift but can also resent that either this thing that I didn’t choose is now a part of my life or I’ll have to feel bad and ungrateful for getting a better version that won’t annoy me each time I use it.

  • And then at some point, games started saving inside documents. Ok, it makes sense to have game save files in a user area instead of a subfolder in the game install area, but they aren’t documents. Just make a new game saves folder or something like that, don’t just stick all my game save files in the same area, cluttering up my own organization.

    Though I did solve it kinda by just making a new documents subfolder in my documents where I put my actual documents.

  • But he gave him the satisfaction of looking like an idiot to people all around the world, which I’m guessing is a lot more satisfying that shaking his daughter’s hand would have been.

    And I gotta wonder wtf goes on in his head to even worry about someone getting “satisfaction” from shaking hands at a ceremony. I’m pretty sure that, if there is any satisfaction involved, it’s supposed to be on the student’s side where the diploma and handshake are an acknowledgment of the work they did to receive whatever award or certificate the ceremony is about.

    And it should have been entirely up to his daughter whether or not she wanted to receive that handshake.

  • Rose could have been fine if they didn’t write her character as basically a cop during the introduction, a Mary Sue that figures out the weakness of tech where the start of the conversation was “that tech is impossible” (plus the weakness itself is completely out of left field), spend half of their field trip whining instead of doing their kinda urgent mission, and then the biggest thing she does is prevents a sacrifice that might have actually redeemed the movie somewhat, in a way that would have been physically impossible, given the scene leading up to it (ordered to retreat, she obeys, Finn ignores it and speeds at top speed towards the thing they were retreating from, then she somehow intercepts him from the side and both walk away).

    The people that harassed the actor that played her are massive pieces of shit and this by no means justifies their response, but Rose seems like a character designed to draw hate.