• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • So it’s demonstrable that the wider gun-owning community is pro gun education and safety, and you’d think adding laws that support these beliefs would be no-brainers – but they aren’t.

    Gun Owners generally do support firearms education, both for kids and adults. The stuff for kids is increasingly being removed and blocked by the Democrats as shown in the links I provided.

    The problem with requiring education / training for adults is that the anti-firearms folks broke trust on the issue. In places that have, or had, such requirements the barrier to entry was being continually raised while more firearm types and accessories are being restricted.

    It’s reached the point that some states who have the requirements are now being sued for failure to issue permits in accordance with their own law.

    If you’re a Pro-2A person you’d have to be outright stupid to hop back in the pot for another round of “Boil the Frog”.

    …whereas mandatory training/education, testing, and licensing I think would improve things, and might be a reasonable middle-ground acceptable by both sides. Like they say in Lower Decks: “if both sides are equally unsatisfied with the negotiation… THAT’S A COMROMISE!”

    There’s no trust between the groups which makes compromise nearly unobtainable. The Anti folks will not offer any compromises and the Pro folks wouldn’t trust them, and rightly so, even if they did.

    Its an intractable problem.

  • Firearms education is only necessary when there are guns all over the place.

    True but that condition is absolutely positively 100% not going away at any time in the next 50 years. The 2A could be repleaded and private firearm ownership made federally illegal tomorrow and there would still be firearms in closets, dresser drawers, and attics in 2074.

    it doesn’t really make sense for them to want NRA propaganda in schools.

    That’s completely fair but nothing is being created to replace it. If they don’t want the NRA involved that’s cool and I completely get it…but that doesn’t clear them to do nothing while blocking what already exists.

    It’s frustrating as all get out.

  • How the fuck is this legal?

    Glock, an Austrian company, uses a variety of common sense safeties that are automatic in nature.

    With a manual safety the user has to remember to engage / dis-engage it as appropriate. This means a weapon can be left in an unsecured state simply because the user forgot (or elected not too) engage the manual safety. Conversely if the user forgets to disengage the manual safety the weapon will not fire when they need it too, which makes an awful lot of sense when you know that Glock designed these weapons for Law Enforcement.

    To work around the weaknesses of a Manual Safety Glock designed what it calls its “Safe Action System” which you can read about here.. In a nutshell a Glock will not fire unless the trigger is intentionally pulled in the correct way.

    Other pistol manufacturers will have some, or all, of those feature and may have other things such as “Grip Safeties” where you have to be holding the pistol both correctly and tightly enough before it can discharge.

    There’s quite a variety of automatic safeties in use in the pistol world. If you are interested you can read about them here.

    On balance these kinds of automatic safeties are at least as effective as a manual safety and there are valid arguments with empirical evidence showing that they can be safer.

    Any of the folks who place more value in their ability to end another person’s life on a split second than the safety of their own children want to chime in and explain this one to me?

    Could you explain why you are using such inflammatory language? NO safety can or is meant to make a loaded firearm safe from a child. It’s arguably easier for a child to flip the selector lever on a manual safety than it is for one to grip a firearm a specific way or pull its trigger in a specific way (or both).

    Loaded weapons, regardless of their type(s) of safety mechanism, should not be left where they can be handled by children.

  • This has absolutely nothing to do with “Stand Your Ground”. SYG only applies when you or someone else are in real and imminent danger of serious bodily harm or death, neither of which were true in this case. That’s why the guy was arrested and has been charged with a number of serious offenses. He’s going to end up in prison.

    Since you aren’t from the United States I should also tell you that SYG isn’t a National thing, its only legal in the States in that have passed laws allowing it.

    I keep wondering if a legal framework like the US where you weren’t legally punished by attacking a thief in your house wouldn’t be fairer but then there’s news like this.

    That’s called “Castle Doctrine” and like SYG it isn’t National. It only exists in the States that have passed a law to allow it.

    It CAN work but there’s at least a few States that have Castle Doctrine and a Duty to Retreat so you end up having to flee a home invader until or unless you have no other choice.