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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Really?

    I mean, I’m not a big fan of “Five different endings” (technically 6) that literally just exist as “select which ending you would like” in a dialogue choice to choose the last mission, I’ll give you that. That being said though, I really do feel like all of them represent different attitudes and/or takes on the story preceding, and really feel like they could be a legitimate close to the story each in their own way.

    Just curious if it’s a similar feeling for you, or if you actually don’t like the endings themselves

  • Skyrim,
    Fallout NV
    Fallout 4
    Witcher 3
    Ghost of Tsushima
    Mass Effect (full trilogy)
    BioShock (mostly 1, but sometimes 2 and 3 as well)
    Borderlands (1 and 2, never really got into 3 or the Tales games)
    Red Dead Redemption (both)
    Assassins Creed Black Flag
    Mad Max
    Cyberpunk 2077
    Dying Light (the original. Haven’t played 2 yet)

    As far as single-player goes, the ones above all have several hundred hours each (a couple of them well over 1000 lol), across countless play throughs lol

  • Way back in the way back we used to call comments like that “flame baiting”. It’s trying to start a fight, nothing more. Forums and BBs I moderated used to technically ban it, but generally the rule has always just been “don’t feed the trolls”. Meaning: don’t comment, don’t downvote, don’t bother reporting. They just want attention, the only thing that hurts them is realizing that this board will ignore them just as completely as their parents already do in real life.