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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Clubbing4198@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldSealioning
    4 months ago

    you tried to provide an argument and then failed when i replied with evidence as to why you were wrong and then you just responded to as many comments as you could saying im spam after saying “fuck you”. you labeled me as MAGA when you have no evidence other than im critical of biden and establishment dems.

  • Zionism can be equated to fascism. Biden has stated multiple times that he is a Zionist. Neo-liberal fascists are already in power and they are destroying the left. you are saying do your duty at the ballot by saying vote this way or you are wasting a vote (that doesn’t actually count anyway because the pop vote doesn’t decide the presidency). I will do my duty by not partaking in sham elections for a two party state that I don’t have any faith in whatsoever to deliver anything they promise. Because they have no obligation to fulfill anything they say they will do to get into office. That in itself is protest so I am doing the real changes, as you say.

  • I don’t believe you are regurgitating what the establishment wants you to. You simply are. Facts don’t require beliefs. I am not being idealistic. I am beimg practical. The administration lied to us, like countless before them. The vote from the people is not what matters anyway. It is not based on popular vote. More people voted for Hillary but Trump won the electorate. We are caught in the ratcheting toward fascism by two parties playing us for fools, making us think they are enemies when they are all working for the same empire. I cannot in good conscience vote for a man letting a genocide happen. I cannot in good consience vote in an election that i know will not stop the amerikan empire from accomplishing its goals.