• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Thank you for keeping these up. I enjoy seeing these threads a lot.

    As to stardew, I’ve only played a little bit, never past the first season pretty much. I’m not one to play it solo and group session always die very quickly. When most of my friends are unemployed or don’t work full 9-5, it’s hard to coordinate with them.

    That all said, I love this game and it does so much right and Dev is awesome. This game feels to me like a lot of what game companies should strive to be.

  • Yeah, exactly. It does slow you down just a smidge, but it removes the need to do finger gymnastics to hold shift + layer + tap (in this example) 2. Instead, it’s just layer + 2 (hold for like 0.1s). You can also configure it to not apply to alpha characters, which is what I have, so it won’t do anything unless it’s a symbol or a number.
    If you want to hold a character (2), then you tap, release, then hold within a configurable time frame.

    I also think you mentioned it, but combos are also really nice, as is the leader key.
    Leader key you press it and then you input a series of keys (or just one) and it acts as a new key. I have a lot of macros stored under leader key activations, like wrapping a word in (), or writing “->” or " !=" . There’s a deep rabbit hole of customizing you can fall into here :P

  • It took me about a week or so once I dropped down to 34. Sometimes I would lose a key and that made me realize it needed to be moved if I couldn’t easily remember it.

    One thing I found super helpful was configuring autoshift for non-alpha characters. So now I can hold [ to get { for example, or 2 for @. It’s helped a lot in reducing the size of my keymap. And as I said, home row mods are incredible once you become accustomed to using them.

    If you’re interested I can share my own keymap, which might help you come up with some ideas that help you.

  • That seemed like a lot of hurdles to have jumped through but I’m glad you stick with it and that you’re enjoying it.

    I originally thought people were crazy for using 40% boards, but with home row mods I’m now using 34 keys and I would never go back to using a standing row stag 60% again lol.

    Welcome to the ergo split club, and the months of tinkering with your layout until it works the best for you :)