EnsignRedshirt [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020

  • that’s just how the internet really works, Things come down, nothing lasts forever.

    While this is true, I think a lot of people are surprised that this is the case. For a while, I think there was a sense that the internet was essentially a permanent record, with storage and bandwidth always getting cheaper and bigger, but the reality is that cheaper and bigger doesn’t mean free or unlimited, and so there would inevitably be a point where you couldn’t just store everything and have it available forever. It makes sense once you think about it, but then the question becomes about what gets saved vs what disappears, and why. That’s where there’s fertile ground for conspiracy theories and speculation.

    There’s also a really interesting conversation to be had about what we ought to expect in terms of what data and content we do want to archive long-term, and then what kind of infrastructure is required to maintain that. This article is less illustrative of what China is or isn’t doing and more of the issue that we don’t have a clear set of parameters or any long-term precedent for digital content storage, which is exacerbated by the fact that most of the infrastructure is privately owned. Those owners have no real obligation to archive anything except to the extent that it maximizes their profits or shareholder value, which isn’t a great way to decide what does and doesn’t make it into the ‘record’ so to speak. Somewhere along the line, there will be a need and a demand for a more robust public effort to curate and archive internet content.

  • Good. No shade on Pocket Pair, they’ve obviously done something that resonates, but imo while Palworld suffers a bit from borrowing too heavily from Pokemon, the real issue is that it borrows too much from Ark. I’d like to see a similar concept executed with an updated interface, crafting system, and progression system. Ark is fine for what it is, but it’s ten years old and Palworld didn’t really make any improvements over the basic structure. It makes sense that they built it the way they did, given that their MO is taking existing component parts and putting them together, rather than designing from the ground up, but I’d like to see a dev team take the same concept and be more intentional about it. There’s a lot that could be done to improve quality of life and create an overall smoother experience, even just by implementing current best-in-class features.

  • Are there any flat-moon conspiracy theorists? I feel like there’s way more evidence that the moon is flat. We see the same side all the time. If it were round, wouldn’t we see different parts of it? We’re supposed to believe that it’s a spheroid orbiting us at the exact rotational speed required so that the same side is facing us all the time? Be serious.

  • Imagine writing all those words with all those fancy references and not mentioning once the glaringly obvious reality that fact-checking is also propaganda. Fact-checking isn’t broken or useless. It works just fine as a way to validate propaganda by pointing out that it’s not factually incorrect. You would have to be a comically credulous rube to not understand that, which means the author is either an idiot or a propagandist (or both).

    Also, I think it’s worth pointing this out:

    the Israel-Hamas war sparked the highest volume of global propaganda—emanating not just from Israel, Palestine and other Middle Eastern countries but also from Russia, China, and Iran

    It is straight up journalistic malpractice to talk about propaganda about Israel-Palestine and not mention the US, the country with the largest media market in the world and the greatest motivation to sway public opinion about the issue. Literally a case-in-point of the article’s central thesis. The author could have displayed some actual integrity by pointing out that, yes, in fact, the western world also engages in propaganda, but no, let’s blame China for propaganda about Israel. Absolute baby-brain nonsense.

  • I just don’t even know how you would argue that they aren’t making art. What purer form of artistic endeavor could you name than a child being creative for its own sake? Things like technical skill, novelty, complexity, etc. are qualities that art has, but they have nothing to do with the definition itself. If a child creates something with artistic intent, that’s art. Arguing otherwise is navel-gazing prescriptivism, the same basic argument as Roman statue fetishism and just as tedious.

  • There is no evidence that belief in Santa is harmful to children, nor is telling them the truth. They only believe in Santa for like maybe three years, and they’ll figure it out on their own. The vast majority of kids figure it out by age ~7-8. You can tell them whatever you want, it won’t matter either way.

    If you do tell them the truth, or they figure it out on their own, be sure to also tell them that even if they don’t believe, other kids do, and being a Santa-truther will not win them any prizes or make them any friends. It’s a good lesson about living in a society.