well I setup a sneakernet script for my parents as they live in a deadzone and only got shitty celluar. I lived a few hours away so my script would grab the movies and shows for the past few months in its search and cp them to my disk. then i would run another script once i get to their place to upload it to windows and put it in the right folder. subsequent iterations the scripts were changed to shell script and python. their computer now runs Debian too. works great.
If its not scary as shit i am gonna laugh my ass off and say these peeps are full of it.
yeah i dont care if it gives me another 100 years of life. I am not drinking it.
I hope they got a plan to move to a different country
make em use solar power? and wind and batteries?
cradles yaml in her hands and coos don’t you talk to my baby like that! she has potential !
you need an Equality Missouri, you got to start pooling money and votes to get your state back.
I pirated it, default was terrible, nobody was going to give it to me and no way to buy it. I stole it, it’s mine and nobody has one just like it.
who avoids hoarding? we are saving it for the future.
no one is going to know unless you tell them. there are worse things to be called.
HI EMMA! 90’s/80’s kid to who likes linux. sadly i am in Florida. we can be online buddies though. I will see if i can get mbin.
vote and revolt peeps. i dunno what else to tell you. don’t stand for this bull shit.
things where done K no body was spared.
so fucking bad i thought it was Tuesday.
might as well take some good pics of them peeps or put them in some aquarium in kansas cause thats the only place you are going to see coral again. Humanity has proven on thing unless millions of people are dying we won’t change, we wont protest and won’t stop sucking on fossil fuels and plastic until the earth chokes on it.
they let in hungry and Turkey. Ukraine is hell a log better than them.