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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • Even better is, we casually drop the “Comment” and add the accent of a question instead, so it can go like : “Ça va?” “Ça va.”

    Note that in French we can make the meaning of it vary from roughly ‘not great’ to ‘good’ just by how enthusiastic we are. It’s really only when we want to express radical emotions that we might stop using it.

    (Although someone depressed might not want to express their distress and use it like the expressions in this meme…)

  • It is, and it doesn’t mean i don’t love them, i do.

    Cats are more manageable to love because they don’t lick you, their fur still triggers it but not as much.

    I think i got the allergy alongside my love of pets from growing up with the nicest cat ever.

    So i’m honestly thinking about trying something to lessen the allergy, that or a hairless cat.

  • Elitist entail their is a technical reason behind it, otherwise it’s only gatekeeping.

    In music it can be some music theory, prodigious playing, complex sound design etc…

    I did fall a bit into this idea of elitism too at first. It’s easy when you are just starting to educate yourself and only see the technique.

    But then at some point you gotta start having opinions and preferences that goes beyond rationality, or your not really enjoying an art form.

    You can still be a bit elitist, but then it’s only personal and you stop gatekeeping.

    That said the technical aspects can be very interesting.

    Moreover I also love the way anyone passionate about music describe what they like.

  • In terms of control yes, but it also depend if you use a keyboard or a controller.

    It’s pretty well adapted for controller and if you use one then your movement is like any third person game, like the Witcher.

    While keyboard has that point to move like Kenshi. Note that there is a mod to switch to the controller movement using wasd.

    So if you wish you can move like the Witcher, the gameplay though is strategy turn based, like xcom or gear tactics, so nothing to do with it.

  • Well it’s a rpg, so plenty of fans are gonna want more tools to choose their appearance…

    hairstyles (Tav’s are great) appearance edit ehanced basket full of equipment and transmog enhance etc…

    Those kind of mods really gives you all the choices you can get to dress and create you character.

    Then there is also some quality of life…

    party limit begone Native camera tweaks WASD character movement

    The names are self explanatory, to the players that wants those functionality they can be necessary.

    Now i’m a bit exaggerating by saying “most fans” because, in fact, most of them don’t use mods. But those who like me really can’t get enough of mods like this to personalize your experience.

  • Well it’s not like a Skyrim (obviously), but I mean that there isn’t big changes in textures or content for example.

    There is some extremely useful mods though. I’m thinking quality of life stuff and appearance choices mostly. The latter was a bit buggy with the updates for me, but i think it got better now.

    I think the amount of downloads comes from how necessary these are to most fans, rather than the quantity and quality of big mods.

    (Although some small mods like hairstyle are quite high quality to be fair)

    P.S. One pretty big exception is 5e spells that do add a lot of much wanted content

  • Ho, I see what you meant now by this optimizing idea. And yes i would agree, it’s not exempt from exceptions, but this is a good way to describe most brain functions, definitely useful. Reward circuit being a prime example, one you summed up very well.

    I don’t know for protozoan but to anything complex enough to have subjective experiences yes, it could have it. Definitely an interesting idea, wich i guess would fit with God, but possible regardless.

  • First of all, i don’t think we can reduce choices to something to optimize. You can’t know everything and your benefit is a pretty unknown variable too. Being rational is great but also not suitable for every choice, it’s not that that i would call free will.

    Now the idea that what we are born as and every experience from then on shape you and your choice is a good hypothesis. It means we humans are just as deterministic as everything else.

    Then free will is just the term we use for the unknown and unknowable in us. Like when we call rolling a dice random. But it’s not a real physical thing.

    But here is where my proposal can still be a good hypothesis too…

    There is one thing that is a black box to our knowledge, not our biology or our brain, but our conscience.

    We don’t really know what it is yet. We know a lot of biology and we’re getting better and better at understanding our brain. But our subjective experiences are not explained by science. And thus in it could lie something not deterministic.

    (As a parallel, just like we don’t know how to interpret quantum mechanics, wich could have true randomness, or not…)

    P.S. i do this parallel with physics because i’m more knowledgeable on it, but also because i think there is a good amount of understanding and questioning we can have on determinism through it ^^