• 568 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Star wars is better without jedi or sith as main characters. The universe is far more interesting when it’s regular people and the force users are rare or very weak. I liked rogue one so much more than the other movies. Jedi and sith and such are over powered bullshit and should be reserved for the rare deus ex machina. They are boring. Except Obi Wan because I have a huge crush on Ewan McGregor.

  • My main input:

    Train comes in, dumps its load. That heads to main recyclers which sort into storage and excess is dumped onto quality line. Quality line is up north, next pic.

    Line 1 is the next recycling loop I set up early. It was originally overflow for the main one, but then I converted it to quality. The * section is a “just in case” storage line. It holds another chest’s worth of whatever of the main recycled materials.

    Line 2 is the overflow from line 1 and also the overflow from main storage. There are requesters that only work over 10k of an item. This is also where I can dump custom items.

    Line 3 is trash. It’s intent is to void things, but I’ll take any quality items I get.