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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • They need cooking classes, and education around how to properly estimate calories.

    Nope. I count every calorie. I’m shooting for 2300 but struggle to hit that. I usually end up at 2600 or more. I cook 80% of my own food. I bake my own bread. I make my own snacks. I know exactly why I’m fat. I can’t stop being hungry. I feel full around 800-900 calories, no matter what I’m eating. (pizza is an exception, because I feel full around 1200 calories, so I avoid it.)

    Imagine walking, chest deep, against a slow moving river, every second of the day. You can push against it and it works, but it’s hard. One slip up and you’re floating backwards. You know how to make progress, but it’s takes a shit load of effort and one mistake and you just. Fucking. Can’t. Today.

    Add that into everything else wrong with my life. I only have energy for so many things. I have to triage. Kids, wife, bills, personal happiness, other responsibilities. Can’t do them all.

    Trust me, I hate myself with every bite, but it’s the only way to shut up that hungry voice.

  • Is somebody ever completely demotivated with everything?

    Yep, that’s called depression.

    How do you deal with it?

    Medication. Time. Continued effort. IMO, success in life isn’t measured by completion. It’s measured by getting back up after you fall. Amount of progress isn’t the most important thing. Any progress, at all, is infinitely better than none.

    Occasionally I have these days where I don’t feel like doing work or chores. So I’m thinking, why not just enjoy myself, do something that interests me?

    Yep, have those all the time. I wait for them to pass and then when my energy comes back, I do all the things. It’s frustrating because I’m waiting on some unknown energy to decide to make my brain work today.

    Typically I would then waste time browsing or watching videos, but that seems to make it worse. How to snap out of this?

    Yep. Same feeling. I like a few videos here and there, mostly sciency ones, but when I start mindless scrolling, it makes me feel worse and I stop. I usually do something light activity, small task, to get the ball rolling. Clean for 5 minutes. Only 5. Set a timer. I can stop after that. If I want, I can keep going, but stopping is fine.