All systems go, Full speed ahead! 🚀

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I used to be the same :) But a while back, I was hospitalized for severe depression. I learned in IOP that doing something you love to warm up for the day - instead of immediately pursuing productivity - improves happiness and helps me look forward to the day instead of dreading it and making it hard to get out of bed in the morning.

  • I do as well. It’s a lot of work, but at this point, it comes naturally.

    If you’re looking to bolster any routine: my unsolicited advice is to add stuff to your routine slowly over time. One thing at a time. If you jump into a whole new routine, you’ll burn out and abandon it. It definitely takes some building and patience.

  • Oh, a morning routine! It’s my favorite part of the day and something I’m oddly passionate about!

    Most importantly, I make sure to go to bed at a reasonable time the night before, and i leave my curtains open to let the sunlight wake me up naturally. Just in case I’m extra sleepy, I set a vibration alarm on my phone and place it under my pillow for backup

    After I wake up, I:

    1. Head to the restroom

    2. Sluggishly make my bed

    3. Go downstairs, drink a glass of water to hydrate, and then brew some coffee

    4. feed the cats

    5. Then I drink coffee and watch TV for a bit while I wake up and wait for the caffiene to kick in

    6. Shower, brush teeth, apply deoderant, style hair, shave stubble, apply cologne

    I have really shit mental health, so I have to take extra care of myself and be very intentional about my actions. My morning routine is a sacred part of the day and helps me enjoy being alive :)

  • I could be wrong, but I firmly believe that the dismantling of Social Media is an indicator of the state of the economy, instead of being intentional. I believe that investors are hurting for money and are pushing platforms to turn a profit at all costs which is hurting the industry. Additionally, This appears to be happening elsewhere in other industries too but is manifesting into other symptoms. However, I think that the Tech and Entertainment industries will be the first to “Fall” (for lack of a better word) as these industries are more of a luxury rather than a necessity.