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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • Bro, by definition you’re not gonna get “evidence” of top secret programs and sources that were compromised. It just doesn’t even make sense to think you would.

    If you look at the things that were happening overseas in the immediate aftermath of those releases, You’ll see what I’m talking about. As much as I’d love to spend a bunch of time digging up all that information again, as you can tell by the voting patterns here, people are clearly not interested in the facts or intelligent discourse so I’m not going to waste my time. You can easily look up the articles about how we and our allies were scrambling to recall people, and how people didn’t come home. You can dig up plenty of information from a whole host of analysts and security related personnel who aren’t affiliated with the government who can verify the carelessness of his disclosures and how they did more harm than good.

    Yes, Patriot act was an absolute travesty and shouldn’t exist. Yes, the domestic programs Snowden exposed were illegal and needed to be stopped, but they also were widely misunderstood in their scope and danger to US citizens… In fact, they still exist to this day in more or less the same capacity for that reason.

    No, he didn’t do it the right way, and I wish he had because he could have actually done good things instead of just serving his country’s enemies. The things he exposed in the US were pretty trivial, in the grand scheme of things, and were widely misunderstood. He could have shut those domestic programs down without compromising the foreign intelligence sources, but he chose not to. He was irresponsible, and flat out was not a good guy.

  • That’s because they were spies. Spies aren’t typically talked about. SOME of the programs he detailed in those releases were within the scope of what he was trying to expose, but many were not. He dumped THOUSANDS of documents related to humint sources that absolutely got people killed, burned other active contacts / projects and cost years worth of work. There was a huge shuffle of personnel after those leaks as intelligence agencies TRIED to get their people out, but there were a great number who couldn’t get out. Andrew Bustamante speaks about this, at some length, to just name the most well known talking head.

    The majority of what he exposed had nothing to do with domestic surveillance programs, and the way he exposed that information was WILDLY irresponsible.

    Yes, the illegal surveillance he exposed was a big deal, but again, was done in a really shitty way that compromised active investigations. He neglected to do anything through proper channels, and instead betrayed his country rather than try to fix the problems through whistle blower channels where he would have actually had legal and tangible protections. Dude was an actual shit bag and a Russian asset.

  • It’s a straw man because that’s not at all what was said, and you’re misrepresenting things to make your point easier. That’s the very definition of a straw man.

    They haven’t moved any goal posts. They haven’t been screwing anybody or failing to meet any promises, and have in fact been rather transparent about goals and expectations while NOT making hard commitments on timelines because of the revolutionary nature of the technology they are trying to develop. People backed a very ambitious dream BECAUSE it was ambitious, but the developer promised that they would take the time to do it right by delivering that dream rather than rush out some bullshit like traditional publishers have been doing for years.

    One thing I’ve found is people are REALLY bad at reading comprehension or failing entirely to pay attention to things that are plainly communicated. There’s years and years of consistent messaging, and from day 1 they’ve been very up front about what expectations should be. Refunds won’t be given and fraud doesn’t exist when you pledge to back a development project that is doing exactly what they said they would do.

    This isn’t a game you purchase off the shelf, it was a crowd funded project that has from the beginning been very clear about everything you should expect. People are just terrible at actually listening.

    There hasn’t been mismanagement. There hasn’t been feature creep. People have gotten exactly what they paid for. They contributed to a project in development, and were given access to play a game they helped fund while it’s being developed. It’s not CIGs fault those people didn’t know what they were donating funds for despite them being told exactly what they were paying for. You can see the trail of communications saying exactly that since the Kickstarter.

    The game exists. The game is playable. They are regularly delivering patch after patch and moving steadily towards not one but two products that are well within the design and scope as originally billed.

    They are absolutely delivering, and the people who say otherwise either have an agenda, or haven’t been paying attention.

    Jus sayin’

  • Support article from 2015, then support article from 5 yrs ago, then article from 7 yrs ago, then forum discussion from 1yr ago that also doesn’t agree with your statement. Way to go, bud. Ignore all the evidence and tools to find the facts yourself to dig up bullshit that’s outdated and has no supporting documentation to find arguments that support your confirmation bias. Nicely done.

    The game is in alpha. It will have bugs when they are building brand new technology that’s never been done before. That does not conflict with anything I’ve said, and that does not mean it is a “buggy AF, broken, scam game”. It plays fine for most people, and MANY people are playing just fine on old AF hardware, including myself playing on a rig that’s at least two generations older than yours. You are wrong. It’s okay to be wrong, bro. Just like having a couple glitches that get patched pretty quickly can mean your game is still a game and one that works. 1.7 million people have been enjoying the game, and you can too.

    Here’s that hardware matrix and telemetry that supports everything I’m telling you, including stability data. Also, the support article from 4yrs ago telling you how to use that matrix and showing these tools are nothing new and you could have used them long before making your ridiculous argument. It’s even updated in real time. Have a look.



  • The last couple free fly days were pushing a buggy, shit build that was an experimental roll-out of brand new tech that completely re-wrote major back end systems. On top of that, free flies are generally a problem because they have an area in it that doesn’t normally exist, with a ton of people in them, acting like clowns and actively trying to tank things like free players do, often running ships that aren’t even released yet. Get out of that area, and it runs a lot better. I’m not gaslighting shit. I don’t think you know what that term means. I’m running on hardware that is far out of date, with less memory and horsepower than yours. I have no problems with running out of memory, and I don’t have problems running mostly stable frames in any area outside of the free fly expo center.

    Quit blaming optimization when there’s a mountain of empirical evidence that you’re wrong when your entire argument is “Reddit says so on a 3yr old post”, despite them patching the game generally multiple times every 3 months. I know a LOT of people who only have 16 gig and run it fine. Hell, they even have the hardware matrix so you can SEE what other people are running and how your hardware compares on the list. You can literally see the data that proves I’m right.

  • That was never announced as a solid release date for SQ42. Yes, there was branding on the page that COULD have been interpreted that way, but there was never a statement or announcement saying that was happening. CitizenCon the same year they announced there were delays that were going to prevent what they HOPED would be released in 2016, as is quite common, particularly when the scope of the project changes as much as it did due to stretch goals and increased scope. They then provided a multitude of new tools and platforms for people to understand the behind the scenes and current progress so further miscommunication would hopefully be minimized.

  • Nobody was promised anything in 2016. I backed in 2014 with the express knowledge that the pledge was to support the development of two games at whatever pace it took to do it to the standards they stated from the beginning, and not to compromise for the sake of delivering something less than that. They have been very clear from the beginning that it was not going to be a quick release, but a release that upheld the dreams they were putting on paper. THAT’S what you backed, and they have been very clear about that since day 1.

    And the fact that many people have hundreds or thousands of hours in the 'verse at this point tells me it’s plenty of a game at this point for people to have gotten their money’s worth.

    I know i paid less than $100 for my package and have more hours in the game than more than half my stream library, so seems like a game to me… And one that’s been plenty worth my entertainment dollars.