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Joined 12 days ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2024


  • This might not be helpful, in that case sorry, but the idea that came to my mind first was:

    Do something every day that’s a little uncomfortable and out of your comfort zone that helps your own progress. Do it every day, even if just a little bit, like study or work out or some bit of work on a personal project. If you do it every day you can build up to something.

    I had a boss who was older but studying for her masters, and was lamenting it was discouraging being the oldest person in the class doing it. The prof told her “well, you’ll either turn 50 with the masters degree or without it, which do you prefer?”

  • I agree, I don’t think they’d wait until the last possible moment when the civilization becomes super powerful or builds the mega weapon. I just mention it along the range of development to highlight the why.

    I think they might let weaker civilizations keep going, though, just out of hope they wouldn’t be too mean. Also, zapping other civilizations when you don’t need to exposes yourself and your own aggression.

    About the shift to VR /computer substrate worlds that wouldn’t have huge footprints, I agree that not all would do that, and it only takes one to go the big building and footprint route and it’s weird we don’t see it.

    My guess then would be that maybe they do build big, but they just conceal well…? You get good enough tech at some point you can choose to be hard to see.