Queen HawlSera

  • 19 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • I’m actually reminded of the time James Randi refused to debunk some tech bro’s astrology app, despite him being gung ho about how well it worked… With the reason Randi gave being that because it was an app and claimed to have math behind it, it was too close to the realm of science to count as anything supernatural… Even though there’s virtually no difference between this and a horoscope in the paper, but he was fooled by there being a phone involved. So the guy DID NOT get debunked or even tested despite being full of shit he was, he didn’t get tested or in the running for the million, but he got Randi’s seal of approval… That’s a task failed successfully moment right there.

    God JREF’s reputation is so overblown.

    Remember: You are not immune to propaganda, you will accept anything if it’s presented in a way that seems plausible yet magical enough to you.

  • Real Science attracts smart people who want to learn a thing or two about the world, Fake Science attracts the kind of gullible kooks you can sell snake oil and orgonite devices to… and I say this as someone who “wants to believe”

    Same reason why scam e-mails and telemarketers intentionally leave big gaping holes in their stories while using dozens of spelling errors. If you’re the kind of person who can notice things like that, you’re too smart to buy what they’re selling.

  • It’s amazing how intelligent and emotionally mature elephants are. It’s not wonder why people were willing to believe that “Elephants have a moon religion!” line for so long, it seems believable with how often elephants seem to act like chonky humans with a trunk instead of arms.

  • Queen HawlSera@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzMythbusters
    2 days ago

    This is why most skepticism based programs don’t work, and Mythbusters did.

    They didn’t try to be smug about it, they didn’t belittle people who believed in the myths, they never brought religion and politics into it, and the biggest pitfall they avoided: They never pretended that the “science was settled” and that they “already knew everything”, they simply did the research and went where the data took them.

    Too many skepticism based programs seem to think the scientific method is running into a church, yelling “FAKE!”, and then running outside to hurl insults at passersby.

    Mythbusters didn’t do that, they skipped the dogma and went straight to the science.