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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • JDPoZ@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.worldCNN's debate was no fair fight
    6 hours ago

    They sabatoged him in 2016, too… 2020 they had learned how to just do it better.

    Right before Super Tuesday they got scared the DNC types made calls and then it was over.

    The neo-liberals who took over the party completely after Reagan would rather lose to Trump than let Sanders, or Warren, or AOC, or anyone else who’d actually even slightly joke at the possibility of forcing the billionaire class to finally start contributing instead of leeching.

    I will vote for Biden, just like I did in 2020, and Hillary in 2016… but they won’t change and if they lose they just blame the left anyway.

  • JDPoZ@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.worldFirst Presidential Debate Megapost!
    13 hours ago

    FDR threw 200,000 Americans into concentration camps.

    Yep… Congrats, Captain Obvious. Guess what? All presidents are shitty. He also helped us push to start building “the bomb” after Pearl Harbor.

    • Truman helped pass the Marshal Plan to rebuild all of Europe… but also dropped those 2 atomic bombs on civilian cities, killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians.
    • LBJ got us in to Vietnam proper. But he also pushed to pass the Civil Rights Act.
    • Obama passed the Affordable Healthcare Act, but increased drone strikes 10-fold.
    • Eisenhower gave us the Interstate Highway, but went along with anti-left coups all over South America (lots of the other presidents also did this sort of stuff, too, unfortunately)
    • FDR passed social security, helped get us out of the Great Depression, passed the GI bill, made electricity accessible to rural areas, gave us the Warren court - AKA the only non-conservative Supreme court in the last 100 years (Miranda rights, Brown v Board of education, right to attorney even if you can’t afford it, etc.)

    So I count FDR on the RELATIVE (not absolute) “good” side of US presidents… who are all shitty overall to lesser degrees at best.

  • The non-cynic answer : she’s not charismatic. She’s not a genuine person. She memorizes talking points and is pretty terrible at everything else. There are several baggage issues related to her past politically that poison her for the left. Namely her time as a prosecutor in CA.

    The cynical answer : there are too many old stupid racists + misogynists for her mediocrity as an orator (do NOT compare her to Obama - who was a master orator) to overcome.

    Seriously, Gretchen Whitmer is probably the best alternative the DNC would be willing to entertain (I’d prefer an AOC or even my man Bernie - since although he IS old, his brain hasn’t turned to lukewarm cat shit like Biden’s seemed to be on display today)… but they’ll probably instead desperately try to pivot too late to Newsom since he’s a neoliberal wolf in progressive sheep’s clothing… like Obama was.

  • JDPoZ@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.worldFirst Presidential Debate Megapost!
    21 hours ago

    Smug rich beltway liberals completely detached from reality now get to feel stupid for a second and bewildered as they try to pivot to blaming this again somehow on “tHe LeFt!” (Aka mild social democrats everywhere else in the world)… but otherwise they think they’ll be okay, regardless of if a D or R is in charge (since they STILL don’t seriosuly take the threat of Trump and the far right rising everywhere) since at least they didn’t let some filthy FDR-type who might DARE to raise their taxes by like 0.5% after 6 years or whatever… like Bernie or Warren or Whitmer or Bowman or AOC even get to compete for the primary nomination.

    They have doomed the rest of us… and possibly themselves depending now on how successful “Project 2025” is at completely permafucking us all back into the dark ages as the world burns hotter every fucking month.

    I still can’t believe that 3 years after January 6th - where they fucking saw some of those goons with fucking ZIP ties - they think they won’t put be up against the bloody poles by mobs whipped up into a frothing frenzy by their demagogue-emperor god.

  • The problem is the idea of working on games sounds amazing… and it allows them to pull in a constant fresh young pool of eager workers willing to completely destroy themselves to make their mark on the world and release something they’re passionate about…

    And all these publicly traded ghoulish-MBA-run companies would rather have more cheap inexperienced “Pikmin” type workers to throw at endless “copycat-chase-whatever-concept-is-popular-and-constantly-pivot-toward-the-popular-right-now” type game projects than experts in their field with dozens of titles under their belt, decades of design, or artistic, or programming experience.

  • Actually Nintendo is one of the few companies who hasn’t burned out their designers - as easily exemplified by people like Shigeru Miyamoto literally having been there his entire life for more than 40 years at a single company.

    This is something unheard of outside of companies like Nintendo, but also Japan in general. Even major industry figureheads like John Carmack, Ken Levine, Jason West and Vince Zampella (the guys who made Call of Duty that Bobby Kotick fucked over and then started Respawn and made Apex Legends - whose features Fortnite stole and added to their own game - just like Fortnite also did with PUBG) - all of whom no longer are at the original companies where they made multi-billion-dollar IPs possible… and then there’s guys like Cliff Blezinski who were on the literal front pages of game magazines and keynote speaking roles at industry events like E3 in the mid-2000s with Gears of War… who just literally quit making games after leaving Epic and then starting a studio that went out of business a few years back.

    Nintendo’s biggest problem is that the old master game designers running the place basically don’t seem to “get” the internet… so they have dumb ideas about emulation and ROMs, online fan interactions and e-sports, terrible support for modern ancillary features indirectly related to gaming like voice chat, complex parental controls, advanced technical features like Dolby ATMOS sound, HDR color space, DLSS and modern shader pipelines.

  • The only thing I do NOT like about Elden Ring (and the From Software games in general) is the truly missable stuff that isn’t clearly shown as permanently missable until after you watch some YouTuber’s video talking about how after you cross this invisible line suddenly a bunch of NPCs die or disappear because of a story bit that action triggers without saying anything to you or warning you… this is real by the way and this is that line on the map. this is the line on the map

    If you go north of it, the DLC IRREVERSIBLY changes a lot of stuff with pretty much every NPC you have met up to this point

    Another example of this though - in the base game, I really wanted to get that “raging wolf” armor set that you see in so many videos and images promoting the game but it turns out I progressed the story and killed the NPC who gives you that quest line before he gave it to me and I can’t go back and get it now unless I want to NG+ it and make the game even HARDER for myself…