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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • Let’s say notifications are like walkie-talkies. You push a button, it sends an alert or your voice to the paired device. Neither one is storing the information, they are just relaying to each other. Now, in this case the government has issued a court order stating that a third party be given a walkie-talkie with the ability to understand the information transmitted by the first. There is still no storage being done, but a second party now receives all the information being broadcast.

    It’s not about not having the information. You don’t actually need to store it anywhere to facilitate communication, at least beyond it being in memory which most would agree doesn’t constitute storage in this situation.

    Now, could that third party store the information? Absolutely.

  • The deaf who refuse implants tend towards the “there’s nothing wrong with me why are you trying to fix me” mentality, not the “I don’t want to hear because it looks weird.”

    And adoption of eyeglasses is likely higher than most other peripherals. Not to mention, putting in contacts is a chore and requires a little planning, while putting on glasses can be done in seconds in virtually any situation.

    Yes, you will get people who refuse to adopt VR/AR. We still have people in the world who refuse to adopt electricity, but if you had asked people 30 years ago if they would carrot a phone around in their pocket you’d have been laughed out of the room… yet here we are.

  • VR in its current form, I agree, has only one real use.

    But when improved upon and made smaller, I could easily see it being used to watch TV or similar. I’ve done that on a few flights and it was decent.

    Not to mention, VR is a necessary step to get to AR, and AR has many more applications. Screens with anything anywhere, for one. Imagine a computer with one monitor, but numerous virtual monitors. Or a TV on your ceiling.

    It’s iterative. Gaming just happens to be the current driver.