• 17 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 26th, 2020


  • I’m not too impressed so far. The drillevator mission is ok with 3, really annoying with 5 crystals to find. A better indicator as to where to find them exactly would be nice, sometimes you dig like one meter next to them and simply can’t find them.

    Lost 2 escort missions due to people not knowing the new mechanic and not listening to ingame advice. That’s a lot of time going to waste.

    The core stone is ok on some classes, others really struggle with the mobs cause they are tough to kill. I also realised that most people don’t know what to do still, so it will get better with time.

    Getting a lot of disconnects since this season, yesterday right on the way to extraction - yet another real waste of time that gets really offputting. Yes, I could host every single mission myself, but if everybody does that, there’s not much coop left.

  • I’m also interested in openSUSE, but what held me back from Tumbleweed was the statement on their Wiki: “If you don’t know how to compile your own additional kernel modules and you don’t wish to learn or keep a very close eye on what is being updated, please don’t use Tumbleweed.” (https://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Tumbleweed)

    But here people say it “just works” and it’s a great distro. I’m torn :), I’d like to try it, but I’m not sure I wanna follow all updates all the time to make sure it runs fine.

  • I had some issues with an old HP Laptop not so long ago because it uses some weird Wifi that needs Bluetooth enabled and it was a hassle to get it working. In Mint it simply worked out of the box, so I stuck with it on that device. Mint with Cinnamon is also very similar looking to Windows and should provide a smooth transition for your grandparents.