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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • I watch a lot of high speed police chase videos, kind of a guilty pleasure of mine. It’s fascinating stuff. One thing I’ve noticed is that while the State Troopers seem to have a higher level of training, when approaching a vehicle local PD will often just run up on all sides with guns out. So, you hear a lot of “watch the crossfire!” from the troopers. On the side of the road bystanders are rarely a hazard, but the same lack of positioning would surely be a hazard to bystanders in different circumstances. So yes i definitely I agree that police officers need more situational awareness training before they can use lethal force- especially in somewhere as packed as a subway station.

  • LaLuzDelSol@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldHotrods
    13 days ago

    You keep changing the goalposts on me. First of all, doctors DO have a long history of racism. Just look up racism in medicine, there are plenty of examples, including teaching for a long time in medical textbooks that black people don’t feel pain as acutely as white people. Then there’s also the whole euthanasia thing. In my home state of North Carolina, for decades doctors involuntarily sterilized black (usually homeless) patients. There was a big settlement a few years back.

    To this day, black women are way more likely to die in childbirth. The reasons for for that are complicated but it has been suggested that racism is a factor (not taking the complaints and concerns of the women seriously).

    I think the medical field has largely cleaned up their act, but they didn’t get there by being told that All Doctors are Bastards. They got there by the long, slow, unsexy process of reform.

    I am all for police reform. But saying “all cops are bastards” is no more truthful than saying “all doctors are bastards” a century ago.

  • LaLuzDelSol@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldHotrods
    16 days ago


    But anyways, i think it’s just as reprehensible for, as an example, an engineer to not report his coworker cutting corners on an infrastructure project that could jeopardize an entire community (maybe he wanted to meet a deadline to make himself look good, maybe he took money under the table from an interested party) as for a cop to not report his coworker who took a bribe from a drug dealer. In both cases, the bystander has equal ability to intervene and potentially save lives. The fact that the police officer has the right to use force as part of their job description isn’t really relevant.

  • LaLuzDelSol@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldHotrods
    16 days ago

    Haha welcome to Lemmy m8. I’ve gotten into this exact argument before. I’m all for police reform and I was out there in the George Floyd protests but the hatred of police officers on this platform is absolutely rabid.

    Imo, the argument that ACAB because the good ones don’t stop the bad ones can be applied to virtually any group of people. So we’re all bastards I guess.

  • I don’t really know what you’re saying with most of these points, I think you’re calling me a racist for trying to interpret your statement about the original Jewish settlers being Arab.

    I agree, nobody has a right to force you from your home. I strongly oppose Isreals settlements in the West Bank and their occupation of Gaza. I also oppose calls for their eviction from Israel. Can’t you see it’s the same thing? “But it was the Palistineans land first” you say- no, that is clearly untrue, Jewish people were living in Israel since the Iron Age, and it was the Arabs (and Romans) that evicted them.

    And what’s this about land being taken from Arab Muslims to build the Jewish temples? You do know that Jewish people were living in Israel since before Islam was a religion right?

  • Well you are dead wrong about that, Jewish people lived in Judea (modern-day Israel) for about 2000 years before being evicted by the Romans in like 300 AD or so. The Arabs did not enter the region until AD 700. So, all told not only did the Jewish people live in Palestine long before the Arabs did, they have also been living their longer.

    Does that mean that evicting the Palestinian people to found Isra was justified? I think no, and it has turned out to be a terrible mistake. But what is the difference really between the founding of Israel and your advocacy for evicting the Jewish people who live there now and returning it to the Palestineans?