I’m a lady; I like spiders. I like a lot of other things too, like other bugs, and snakes, and other oft-unappreciated creepy critters. I like Heavy Metal, and D&D, and Victorian things, and videogames, and anime, and I also like to fuck

  • 0 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023


  • I did a test just a few days ago, and just scrolled to see how much of my feed was from people I followed, and how much of it was stuff I didn’t. 36 posts in a row of stuff I don’t, followed by 10 posts of people I follow, followed by another 27 targeted stuff, and then 1 post from a friend, and then another 35

    It’s ridiculous, and this digital landscape is dystopic; It’s cyberpunk. I can’t believe, for example, that I can enter something in a search bar on youtube, and get results that are explicitly not my search results

  • I’m only here because of an unjust reddit ban, and I’m very sad to say that I still would prefer reddit to this. The shear scale of reddit means there was always something interesting me through the far more varied and active communities available there. Lemmy is great and all, but I feel way less engaged with anything going on

    I was active, and even a recognized name on some subs where I was particularly active, but here, those same communities are either woefully underpopulated and inactive, or just straight up don’t exist. When I need to ask questions or get a wide variety of opinions, or even share a story, I knew reddit had enough activity for me to get at least some traffic. Here, I haven’t even made a post

    Sorry, Lemmy, but we’re only together because reddit left. You’re my rebound

  • People hate what they fear and fear what they don’t understand. The path, then, to fight against hate is specifically understanding

    I learned this by watching The Crocodile Hunter as a child. I remember very vaguely a point Steve Irwin made about how people are terrified and act to harm animals they know nothing about. Either he went on to further say, or I extrapolated it myself, that knowing how an animal will act informs YOU on how to approach the situation; No need for fear or hate if you understand the reality of the situation. I then further extrapolated this race relations. It’s a little general, but a white person may be racist against a black person because they think they’re dangerous, just as someone might see a snake they know nothing about and think it dangerous

  • I first saw a message like this on a DVD release of old Loony Toons shorts. The topic of what to do with “problematic” historical things has always been contentious to me as a person who loves history, as well as a filthy libtard cuck, or whatever we get called these days. I think historical context needs to be preserved. We learn so much from history, so removing it also removes are ability to learn from those mistakes. It also colors our current perception of those historical periods inaccurately, which makes it harder to track down the roots and causes of systemic and cultural issues. Presenting the reality with the additional clarification and context that values have changed and should be taken with a grain of salt is, in my opinion, the best way to present anything historical whenever the subject of “problematic” content comes up