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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • obnoxiously long animation, and that animation being set in stone once you trigger it. There is no aborting a sword-swing midway through to dodge or block.

    The whole point of the animations being set in stone is to force the player to be mindful of their actions. Don’t commit to an attack unless you’re sure it’s safe to do so. Otherwise you’re going to get caught out.

    The slow animations are a deliberate drawback to the more powerful weapons. Being able to swing an UGS around like it’s nothing would make for a fairly unbalanced weapon. If you want a weapon with quicker animations you probably want something more DEX focused. Just look at the Falcion’s animations compared to the Zweihander’s animations in Dark Souls for example. Zweihander puts out bigger damage numbers and thus attacks slower. Pretty basic balancing concept to have thing that does big damage be slower.

    The lack of being able to abort moves is simply a way for the game to punish poor decisions. If you get caught out by a slow animation then you probably need to work on picking when to attack. A big part of the game is that it teaches the player through punishing mistakes. That’s why it forces you to commit to actions.

    These only come across as clunky if you’re not learning from your mistakes and working around these deliberate limitations. Pick different weapons or pick better moments to attack/use an item so you don’t commit to something at the wrong moment.

    The input queue is another thing that lines up with this. I believe the whole point is to, again, push the user into being careful. Dark Souls isn’t a hack and slash like DMC. You don’t want to go into fights button mashing. The game wants you to take your time. The button queue kind of reinforces that by punishing button mashing and being too hasty. I do also find it useful in queuing certain actions like attacking straight out of a roll or following item usage.

    All the things you describe as clunky each have a purpose. The game expects you to work with those limitations and when you do you get a better experience. Going against them is when you run into issues. Since youre attempting to doing things the game is trying to discourage. Like button mashing (input queue) and getting too greedy with attacks (Being locked to actions/Longer animations).

  • LinyosT@sopuli.xyz
    tolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldCtrl + Shift + A
    14 days ago

    Got to love it when people think they’re making a statement when they’re really just exposing themselves.

    Merging layers? There’s a button on the layer window that does just that. You can also right click -> merge.

    Exporting PNGs? File -> Export -> File Type at bottom of the window -> PNG

    Not that hard unless you’re somehow incredibly inept.

  • LinyosT@sopuli.xyz
    tolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldMany such cases
    16 days ago
    1. Not really a lot of cases. It only appears that way because the terminal is just efficient so people generally tend to use it over the alternative. Very rarely, if at all, would the average user need to use the terminal at this point. Assuming the end user isn’t using a more advanced distro like Arch or Gentoo.

    2. There’s plenty of ways to achieve that. It largely depends on the desktop env. But the most common ones make it very easy. Though their settings.

    3. Sounds like the end users problem more than Linux’s problem. They don’t have to use the terminal. But a lot of FUD around the subject makes it out like there’s a requirement to use it.

    4. How common is this issue? Package managers handle dependencies automatically so you don’t have issues with needing to install X to install Y to install Z. You just install Z. X and Y are pulled in automatically.

    5. Again that’s the end users issue if they’re incapable of figuring out how to search their issue or how to decide which source is useful to them or not. Installing MC is painfully easy on just about any distro. Just install prism launcher. Every distro should be able to run Minecraft because the game is written in Java. Java’s whole thing is that its code is portable/not platform specific.

    6. Yeah that’s an issue. It should be better than it is. But it’s also not too hard to handle.

  • LinyosT@sopuli.xyz
    tomemes@lemmy.worldUbisoft meme
    28 days ago

    Making excuses is defending the situation.

    “Oh you can ignore it and other programs use more resources” is an excuse for the situation. It also missing the fact that games typically have good reason to be taking up so much resources. Bloatware launchers don’t.

    Most people when they have an issue don’t go making excuses unless they’re ignorant or too lazy to want a change. Why else would anyone downplay an issue that theyd be better off without?

    Yes, you can make anything look small in comparison to games. It’s a bit disingenuous to compare a launcher to something designed to use a lot of resources such as a game. You can’t really compare games and launchers, they’re completely different kinds of software.

    A game has business using all the resources they do. Any launcher that is installed on top of a game that you bought from another storefront doesn’t.

    Again, just as users shouldn’t have to put up with bloated games that take up unnecessary resources, they shouldn’t have to deal with unnecessary launchers that take up unnecessary resources.

    It doesn’t matter that games are larger because that doesn’t change the point. Point is that these extra launchers just don’t need to be a thing. Whether or not games are larger in comparison is completely irrelevant.

    It’s bloatware because they aren’t needed. Thats what bloatware is, unnecessary shit that takes up space and resources when it doesn’t need to. If I bought a game in steam, it should just require Steam to run. Not Origin or Uplay or other bloat on top.

    It’s unnecessary no matter the scale. Why should I ignore something taking up 500mb when I can achieve the same thing for 250mb or less? In the end it’s always better to have a leaner system that doesn’t have shit you don’t need taking up any amount of space.

  • LinyosT@sopuli.xyz
    tomemes@lemmy.worldUbisoft meme
    28 days ago

    The way you downplay it sounds a lot like you’re trying to make it out as if it’s not an issue.

    Games taking up resources doesn’t change anything I said either. Funnily enough though the same thing applies to games, users shouldn’t have to put up with games that take up unnecessary resources either. Just like they shouldn’t have to deal with bloatware launchers that take up unnecessary resources and throw more hoops to jump through.

    Not really sure why you’re defending something that’s worse for you. What’s in it for you that you’d rather defend unnecessary launchers over not having to deal with them?

  • LinyosT@sopuli.xyz
    tomemes@lemmy.worldUbisoft meme
    28 days ago

    It’s not just one launcher in a lot of cases. Many cases have you also run another launcher such as Ubisoft and EA games that require their launchers to run along side Steam. It all adds up and it doesn’t need to be that way nor does it need defending.

    I don’t really understand why you’re defending something thats worse for you than the alternative.

  • LinyosT@sopuli.xyz
    tomemes@lemmy.worldUbisoft meme
    28 days ago

    It doesn’t stop being an issue just because you can brush it under the rug and ignore it.

    The point is that the user shouldn’t have to work around these extra launchers. How about companies just stop pushing their own bloatware. If you buy a game through Steam, it should just require Steam. Same for GOG and all the others.

  • I’m defending it because of disingenuous trogs like you trying to suggest that it’s somehow harming the quality of the game by having a neutered redundant MTX system.

    Microtransactions do harm the quality of a game. Especially a fucking $70 single player game.

    Again, it’s full priced. DD2 does not need microtransactions.

    I’m defending it because you’re trying to suggest that them removing MTX from an already failed title is anything but proof CAPCOM wasn’t interested in putting any investment in the franchise.

    They were interested enough in doing a re-release. If you’re interested enough in doing that then you would also be interested enough in slipping in those MTX if they were successful otherwise you’d be missing out on cash. Cash being the one thing companies love the most and would not think twice about getting more. It’d be fucking stupid for them to leave successful MTX out of a game like that.

    On the topic of interest, don’t forget as well that DD2 would have come sooner if it weren’t for the director choosing to go for DMC V first.

    Source: https://www.gameinformer.com/2019/02/07/capcom-given-choice-to-make-dragons-dogma-2-decided-on-devil-may-cry-5-first

    So it’s not exactly a complete lack of interest. Otherwise the DD2 wouldn’t have come at all.

    So again, no, the MTX was likely left out of DA because it just wasn’t successful enough to warrant the time to put it in.

    I’m defending it because to call this predatory is like calling a Shih Tzu a predator.

    It is predatory.

    Again, there’s no reason for it to be in there.

    They’re not starved for cash.

    It’s a 70$ game so fat stacks going their way.

    I’d bet my cock and balls that the MTX is just lining pockets as MTX often does.

    I’m defending it because microtransactions aren’t as bad as you’re making them out to be.

    Except they are. Were you not around back before MTX kicked off? Back when you could just get shit by playing the game normally without having to bust out your wallet for an extra character or a shiny .png When MTX become the main focus games suffer.

    Some of the best games to exist; exist because of the microtransactions that are in them.


    Kind of knew that the argument was going in that direction. No one in their right mind defends something that has no benefit to themselves like this.

    MTX can’t be bad because then that would be something against your favorite games and your favorite games can’t possibly be bad, right?

    Other than that, why don’t you go and list off some of those games because I think there may be a pattern. Other than “Muh games”.

    Also, some of the best games ever exist do so without needing micro-transactions. Shit, games survived without them for decades before the internet allowed for MTX to exist.

    Almost like MTX aren’t actually needed and a good product will make good money on it’s own merit.

    There’s also a better way to further monetize a game post-release. It’s called releasing expansions. You know, like what Elden Ring is about to come out. A decent to good sized chunk of content that (hopefully) has had a good amount of care and attention put into it. Rather than selling a fucking JPEG for £15 and calling it a day, selling something that you would have unlocked in a better game by just being good at the game or just preying on people with poor impulse control.

    I wholeheartedly support microtransaction systems like this

    Stockholm syndrome is some wack shit, I tell ya.

    I think the devs have done an incredible job with the game

    Bro, you do realize you can enjoy a game and at the same time recognize any problems it has, right? Enjoying a game does not mean you’re obliged in any way to blindly defend a game, downplay it’s issues and only talk good about it.

    There’s just no reason for a full priced game by a cash strapped, big ass AAA publishing company, to have micro-transactions.

    They’re not a cash starved indie company. But even while Indie games having MTX is a little more understandable, it’s still a bit dubious even there.

    I’m almost tempted to buy some of these literally worthless microtransactions simply as a fuck you to all the virtue signalling losers fixating on the game.

    Ah yes, waste your own money and let a group of people live rent free in your head. Pretty good way to spite them. While they’re sat there not wasting their money, you’re just throwing yours away. They’ll literally won’t know what hit them. Probably because they’ll have no idea you’re doing it. But still, you go dude. Burn that money! By the way, ever heard of the phrase “Cutting off your nose just to spite your face”?

  • Dragon’s Dogma 1 had the exact same monetization scheme, minus fast travel. Everything you could buy on the store was easy to earn in game (it is the exact same way in Dragon’s Dogma 2). Dragon’s Dogma 1 was also a failure in Western markets.

    The MTX in DD1 were taken out of the game on later releases. Only the original 360 and PS3 releases had them. So as a matter of fact things improved for DD1 before getting worse again for DD2. Likely because the MTX weren’t successful enough to consider for the re-release. After all, why else would they not have them in a later release.

    So tell me, if the game was a success in Japanese markets and had this monetization scheme: why would it not have a more aggressive microtransaction scheme for the second game if what you’re saying is to be believed?

    A game being successful doesn’t necessarily mean the MTX are also successful. Companies can see where the money is coming from. If they see that the game is selling loads but the MTX isn’t selling much. They’ll probably not bother to put the effort into the MTX for a later title or at least until they think that things have changed and people may be more receptive. Which is likely what we’re seeing here. As above, they took out the MTX for the later releases/DD:DA. Possibly because the MTX in the original release wasn’t all that successful. It’s been a hot few moments since then so they’re trying it again for DD2. That’s why DD2 isn’t worse.

    The game is very fun and not once did I think of paying anything beyond 3 dollars on MTX, and that was because I’m impatient. It literally would have been a waste of money, as the game opens up every fast travel point you would need in the post game. It also gives you nigh infinite fast travel items. There is no drop in quality for the game.

    Not being personally affected by it doesn’t really change how good/bad the MTX is. It’s predatory on those with poor impulse control.

    It doesn’t matter how much items the game gives to you. The MTX just shouldn’t be in the game as a matter of principle.

    It’s a fucking £65/$70 single player game. Why are you defending this shit?

    You can claim you “pay attention” all you want, but all you’ve done is prove how little you understand what you’re talking about.

    You don’t seem to understand. Considering you forgot about the fact that Dark Arisen doesn’t have those MTXs and the implications that brings.