You jest in the middle of a beanpocalypse?!
You jest in the middle of a beanpocalypse?!
You jest in the middle of a beanpocalypse?!
You should also look into joining classes for stuff youre into. Say a cooking class or gym class. A hobby where at the end you’ll at least learn a bit and at least make some new friends and people.
4chan, Facebook, Twitter
Facebook is my least favorite. Used to be a feed of all my friends and family. Now it’s all reposts, sharing shitty misinformed click bait and ads everywhere. Every week I have to explain to my grandma that the video she saw about smartphones causing ovarian cancer in men isn’t real
Try bumble and hinge as well, in some ways it becomes a numbers game. Also I’d say lower your own standards at first just to get out there talking to people.
I remember the first time someone sent me a YouTube link. Opened up AOL Messenger and a buddy from school asked me if I had heard panic at the disco. Sent over a link with I write sins not tragedies Found Smosh right after. Early YouTube was great
You jest in the middle of a beanpocalypse?!