I have to say that I absolutely love the title this man chose to share his anger.
I have to say that I absolutely love the title this man chose to share his anger.
Can someone share some information on the actual steel they use? This linkedin thread says they use 301, someone in this thread says they use a proprietary steel? (Can someone share the chemical analysis in this case?)
I have set it but it wont change anything. You can access the docker inspect here https://pastebin.com/t1T98RCw I can imagine that this problem is before homeassistant as even if I ignore the certificate error , it will not forward me to homeassistant but to my router / a warning page from my router saying it has blocked me.
If I test the server reachability inside nginx manager it will ask me if npm is configured correctly, so you might be onto something with NPM configuration …
I have now set up duckdns over docker instead of over my router, but it hasnt helped anything. My Duckdns IP is the same (and its correct, if I just open this IPV4 Address it will redirect to my nginx landing page).
Okay I think here is the error. AFter doing the Test Server Reachability the following will come up in the nginx-db logs: 2023-12-29 21:06:25 3 [Warning] Aborted connection 3 to db: ‘npm’ user: ‘npm’ host: ‘’ (Got an error reading communication packets)
Now I have no clue why this is ( I think this is the end for today as my head is about to explode). Docker inspect nginx reveals that this request for sure came from nginx (as it has the .0.8 ip).
using a vpn or similar is not really an option as I have famiy members accessing it and I dont want to always connect using a vpn just for example to open my garage or accessing my shopping list. Security wise I just use 2FA so I dont think thats the issue.
Now I get a error Fehlercode: SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER, and if I continue it will again go to my router with the DNS-REbind / Host-Header Issue
if I close the 8123 port and remove my cache, firefox will warn me, if I click on forward anyways it will forward to a website from my router for some reason saying that the DNS-Rebind-Protection has blocked my attempt and that there is some issue with the host-header.
Mainly I want to expose it so I can access my stuff remotely. What would you recommend otherwise? Traefik looks alot more difficult to me from the get go but I haven’t tried it out yet (because I dont know where to start) Issue is just that I have a basic understanding about docker/ubuntu stuff now (or I know how to manipulate stuff like I want) but basically everything with Web and https is a big black hole for me which I can’t seem to grasp yet.
80,443,8123 and 8124
Not too sure, Germany should still be around 50€ / gram with Suisse for sure not 3x the price
Fuck chamberlain so much. We have Gates from them which were (wrongly) opened by hand. Inside of the swing arm was only a broken plastic clutch which could easily be changed to a new one. But chamberlain will not sell any spare parts whatsoever. We tried 3d printing the part but I didn’t manage to draw the teeth 1:1 so Motor load was higher than the controller allowed and stopped it.
Fuck chamberlain
Naja aber in Australien gibt’s auch keine sperrklausel oder?
Hier in Deutschland gibt es mehrere Kleinparteien, die den Namen ihres Gründers tragen. Die taugen alle nichts, und im schlimmsten Fall sind sie sogar undemokratisch, weil der Gründer und Namensgeber übermäßige Macht in der Partei hat.
Violence is never solved with more Violence.
Yeah, like taliban?
Who says this has to be done in a day? Have gun drop off places which keeps lists, destroy the guns (weld the muzzle or drill in a hole both can be done in 2minutes for a single gun) and then sell them to scrapyards. People have time until the end of 2024.
90% of people can charge their car enough in between Shopping trips
Okay, but does this (or the coral or whatever) make the delivery of 30 (or just 10) simultaneous streams any smoother than just the straight stream from webrtc in homeassistant?
Wie realistisch ist es dennoch dass das Gesetz scheitert? Also angenommen alle CSU und AFD Bundesrat Mitglieder stellen sich quer (und mehr?) Was passiert dann?