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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • It’s the other way around. Cities in US are expensive now because there is not a lot of those compared to the amount of people who would like to live in them. If you allow builders to build more walkable cities they will become more affordable. And the scale is only part of it, the fact that city brings revenue to the government and suburbia isn’t is a big part too.

  • Yeah, it is indeed a good approach for Walmart. They get to crush the competition due to their size and the economy of scale, be effectively a monopoly, and convince everyone that it’s not only logical and inevitable, and the result of something normal, but good actually.
    The question is, is it good for people who aren’t Walmart shareholders?

  • No, good public transportation will not eliminate all the misery in the people’s lives, but also it isn’t suppose to, and nothing will. Good public transportation however helps with making it the same level of misery as anywhere else, and usually even more. The particular issue of harassment isn’t an issue in a good public transportation, because there are people there, there are structures, there are authorities and systems that can help. And besides, it’s not like people just decide to harass other people the second they go into metro.

  • It’s, once again, comes with infrastructure. When I moved to Germany from the country with no bike infrastructure, I only thought of a bike as an expensive stuff, but here I bought a used commuter for 40 Euro and it’s fucking great. I love it, but if it gets stolen, I would be mildly frustrated and buy another one of those for 40 Euro the next day.

  • People might talk about banning privately own cars, but nobody seriously talks about completely banning cars at all. Service vehicles have their place in a walkable city, and taxi and carsharing is part of that, and even the most fuck-cars people are in favour of those.
    I mean, there is always someone with a weird position, but those are flat-earthers of the movement, nobody cares about those.

  • The reason you’re not afraid of being in public in any other circumstances are in public transportation is exactly, precisely because public transportation in US is shitty and stigmatized and the expectation is that only the poor are using it. This is the source of the problem, and the way to fix i is to improve it so everyone is using it, and the crowd in public transport will be the same as everywhere

  • Not really. Where I live, the bike infrastructure is decent, even though it has its flaws. Right now the conditions are the worst, it’s cold, we had a lot of snow recently and even though they removed most of it, there is a lot of ice still. I just have to bike slower than usual, that’s all. Last year I remember like 5 days when biking was all but impossible snow was building up faster than they managed to remove it.

  • Where the fuck have you found whatever weird esoteric distribs you are talking about, and why on earth did you went with those? Depending on the answer to the question, I kind of understand how you managed to make Arch “perform poorly” whatever that means in that regard, you need to have at least basic understanding to use Arch (or treat it as an opportunity to learn).
    But you don’t start your experiments with something from third page of Google, at that point you’re an alpha tester.