• 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • Yeah, I think I’m in the digging out stage now. It seems to be very difficult for me to take care of myself while I have to work for income.

    Thanks for the suggestions! I will look into the book, and the website is great (I made something like this myself in my linked notes)

    Therapy seems to be a bit harder for me. I didn’t have anyone with specific experience, and found that the typical talk therapy does not really benefit me (I already spent years researching this myself, so it does not really help to have somebody else repeat it to me). I’ll try to find somebody, but seems like it’s quite difficult.

  • I feel like WFH actually helps me because I have more control over my time and can actually take breaks instead of having to pretend to be busy all the time. But in reality, I did spend much more time just in front of my desk and forcing myself to look at my screen, even though I’m not doing anything useful at the moment.

    Often I was working, having meetings and eating, all at my desk. And then in the evening, I keep sitting at my desk and just start browsing or gaming. After a while, it’s no wonder one becomes depressed.

    For some reason I feel it’s unfair though. Like why do I need to spend my free time meditating, doing sports, and maintaining my physical and mental wellbeing, just to be able to keep working for 8 hours a day? Isn’t it enough that they already get 8 hours? Even worse for people that used to commute for multiple hours each day in the past.

  • I feel like this has a similar effect to meditation. Every time I just wait for a moment and see what my brain suggests I do (instead of just keeping wasting time on my computer), it actually feels pretty ok. Like even if I remember I still have to do cleaning, actually doing the cleaning at that moment feels less effortful and takes less time.

    I think it’s a good suggestion. Just the moment that I need it the most, is also the moment that I won’t be able to pull myself from whatever I’m doing at that moment. Maybe I should try and make it more consistent, have a specific moment each day to just do nothing…

  • Heel erg bedankt voor je suggesties!

    I’m living in a different country now, and can only contact my friends in the evening hours (And I find it very difficult to talk to them about these kind of things.) My partner is very helpful for me, but I cannot expect them to deal with my worries all the time (I also don’t want to drag them down.)

    Professional help would be useful, but thus far, I have not found anyone that really seemed to understand my situation. I find it very difficult to connect with anyone, even with my parents and friends I often have to push myself to keep any meaningful connection.