I am one of the two! Who is the last one?
I am one of the two! Who is the last one?
Perhaps take a look at this :)
That is very kind of you - thank YOU as well! :)
And insightful answer, thank you very much. Forgot all about that VLC could provide such useful information.
The main thing I’m not following is what you mean by having parse errors in Mp3tag.
Indeed, no metadata is present but the “Tag” still shows alot of parse errors (image attached). So if I edited some metadata, it would not show in Windows Explorer for instance.
And yes, audio is all good despite parse errors, but my inner nerd would like to optimise and put in correct tags and what not ;)
As mentioned above, it was the first thing I did which apparantly did not work - now it does, though! Oh well. Perhaps it was a fresh download that did the trick, I am not sure!
You gotta be kidding me…
I initally tried renaming the files to .m4a but Mp3tag still showed parse error.
… But I tried once more per your suggestion and behold! No parse error. I am not sure what I did differently (obviously user error nonetheless!)
But thank you so much, I learned a lot!