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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I assumed they meant the travel walk was probably within that time then they spent the other hours walking around the shops/market stalls etc. Which is pretty standard where I live! We’re not a “walkable city” but we get the bus into town and then spend a few hours walking about buying stuff before getting the bus back. Like OP its doable by bike too, both methods work depending how lazy you’re feeling and how many shops you want to go in.

  • I never wear shoes in the house, and rarely wear socks unless it’s really cold.

    say I’m cooking all day on Sunday then need to take the trash out. I’m assuming it’s change shoes, then say the grandkids stop by and want to go go for a bike ride? I’m assuming it’s change shoes.

    If I’m going on a bike ride then yes, I put shoes on (I’m not “changing shoes”, because I had no shoes on to begin with). If I’m doing something quick outside like taking the trash out, I’ll either just stay barefoot or maybe slip something like Crocs on if they’re close by enough to be convenient. You know if your skin touches the ground outside, it’ll be fine right? It also dries way faster than a sock or a shoe if you go out in the rain. It’s entirely fine.

  • Yeah just looked it up and that’s exactly what I was thinking of! Aside from the obvious technical limitations and the part where you probably couldn’t teach average Joes to parachute reliably, I imagine the simple act of getting everyone to actually jump out of a plane is probably immeasurably difficult too. Like I know people who won’t even walk across certain bridges because their fear of heights just won’t allow it, getting someone like that to muster the courage to jump would be impossible.

  • As for the existence of such “safety” videos, the ones I’ve seen have all been jokes because the insist heavily on following the law, especially government-funded videos. Breaking road laws written for motor vehicles is, in many situations as a cyclist, the safest course of action, but I’ve yet to see any safety video address this.

    Yeah, I think we’re in agreement for the most part here too. I’ve even seen “cycling safety” videos put out by car companies and you can imagine the sort of nonsense they come out with!

    Obviously it depends entirely where you live and what laws you have, but where I am most of the rules we’re supposed to follow as cyclists do make sense and are relatively safe guidelines. The issues come because drivers think the rules don’t say what they do (common example: there’s nothing stopping cyclists in a bunch riding however many abreast they can, and nothing stopping a single cyclist from taking the lane rather than hugging the curb, but many drivers feel that this is illegally holding up traffic/being unsafe). I wish we had things like Idaho Stop laws, I’ve ridden in states that allow this and it really does help a lot of situations.

  • And that’s what I’m questioning. Would you? Would you think others here would? I wouldn’t. I’d rather go to whatever fork Fediverse devs favor instead. If anything, all the fear being expressed every time Threads integration is brought up only emphasizes that this is not how it would play out

    The network effect can be strong. Say you’re now able to contact all your friends via your favourite Activitypub instance, you had to previously use Facebook.com or Threads or whatever but now they’re all here. You delete your Facebook and keep your Activitypub account to speak to all your friends who are on Threads.

    Now Meta pulls the federation plug, or adds some feature that makes your Activitypub server not able to fully cooperate (Maybe you can talk, but you can’t video call anymore, or you can’t post GIF/images, whatever). Now what? All your friends are over there and getting annoyed with you. So… you eventually succumb and fire up a Threads account.

  • Fair enough, I don’t think you’re entirely wrong. There’s definitely something to acknowledging that we’re cycling in an imperfect environment and that there’s things we can do to make it safer - its just a really awkward line to toe especially because such videos (that do already exist, and some are even put out by cycling-related government agencies) usually start with “don’t forget your helmet and your hi-viz and your £500 lights” before they even get into the roadcraft side of things, as though any of those things actually do anything to stop drivers being dicks.