I felt a great disturbance in the Economy, as if a 100 gazillion iPhones cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced
I felt a great disturbance in the Economy, as if a 100 gazillion iPhones cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced
Why ladybugs in B? They are super cute and the larvaes eat plant parasites. They are adorable natural pesticides, they deserve S tier.
I’m a modded YouTube music and Spotify apk kind of guy.
I need more info on that Kira-Bin Laden collab
Yo wait a minute, that’s the guy who had an interview with the director of “Loyal citizens of Pyongyang”, I didn’t know he was like that. Between him and the ACP guys I keep seeing more and more commies with fucked up views, I don’t know what’s up with that.
Pretty much everyone with a smartphone I believe. They say that in 2019 there were 1 billion compatible smartphone.
The navigation system used by the phone is transparent to the user, so of course we dont notice it, but it’s up there and we’re using it.
Europe doesn’t even have its own version of GPS which makes it dependent on tech that essentially belongs to the US military.
Europe does have Galileo actually.
L’industrie photovoltaïque allemande a coulé parce qu’elle était incapable d’innover et de rester compétitive. C’est ridicule de blâmer la Chine parce qu’elle produit du matériel de meilleur qualité pour moins cher.
Et non, notre transition énergétique se porte très mal, parce que nos dirigeants s’en contre fichent, la preuve dans l’article. On peut pas se permettre de se faire la guéguerre pour protéger les super profits de nos oligarques quand il y a urgence d’arrêter de brûler le monde.
L’Alsace donne vraiment envie de vomir ce second tour des législatives. On a un grand total de trois circonscriptions sur quinze avec un candidat NFP, et de 14 avec un candidat RN…
L’UE encore une fois à la pointe pour faciliter la transition énergétique.
Jordan Bardella, et Jordan Bardepalla
Hillary Rodham Clinton
They do have them but they call them “reserves”.
It’s funny how they always tell us that China is going to violently invade Taiwan any time now, and yet it’s the only part of China that they colored green. 🤡
It’s a kind of Japanese raccoon with giant balls.
There is it, their response to aging population. I’m very excited to see how it will turn out.
Now that’s a thought that really warms my heart.
That’s actually a really good point.
I’m sure that some ultra nerd would go and read the source code. But it doesn’t matter, because even if Robert Fosslover reads the whole repository and writes on his blog that it’s actually free of spyware, nobody is gonna hear about it anyway or if they do, they’ll call him a see see pee chill.