Digital OTA is useful if you don’t want to pay for cable but you want to watch local sports or the news something. If you are in a large metro area, you can get a great picture and a surprising variety of channels.
Digital OTA is useful if you don’t want to pay for cable but you want to watch local sports or the news something. If you are in a large metro area, you can get a great picture and a surprising variety of channels.
Which is a good thing. Liberals pretending Bush wasn’t so bad, is what is going to allow fascism to win.
The US deserves to fall, and I’m glad trump did so much damage on his way out.
That is a good thing though. America is trash, and so are you.
I think all those things are good. Trump didn’t cause any of those, he exposed them to naive liberals like you.
Found another liberal who thinks decorum is the most important part of the political system. The veneer of legitimacy is MUCH worse then the obvious flailing of someone who lost.
Found the liberal. Sorry the worst thing to have ever happened to you was trump being mean on the internet. I’m sure Millions of Iraqis understand your pain.
If Trump leads to the end of America and it’s sham democracy, he will be the greatest president the world has ever had. But liberals can’t stand to call America the bad guy.
Well when the leaders see things like this and their go to is to yell about “assault rifles” and then provide unlimited funding for military contractors who are the people who build “assault rifles” it’s not really a surprise that the problem continues. If a congress person mentions “assault weapons” they should never be voted for again, because they clearly do not understand the problem.
I guess rural living didn’t exist between 1900 and the beginning of human civilization did it? Because this is a very “ignorant of history and can’t imagine an alternative” take, which doesn’t reflect well upon you.
Using fur instead of most plastic fabrics is the environmental choice. As an environmentalist, Fur/Leather are the best choices for clothing.
I’m all about human advancement, but nothing about cars is required. If it were trains, sure I’m with you.
It’s not new, but I do hate it.
Eh. Same recycled story as the Animal Crossing letters from mom story. Or an even earlier version where their sister/girlfriend/etc etc left a note on some game they were playing, or a version from 5000 years ago where a scroll they were transcribing had a note from a friend who recently died from yellow fever or whatever.
Casino’s like Capitalism, shouldn’t exist. That isn’t to say you can’t have fun playing poker etc, just that the Casino’s as they exist in our current hell world, only exist because they pray upon the downtroden. That they exist at all is a symptom of a sick society.
This article is so vague that if you aren’t actually familiar with the problem they are describing, you will read the entire thing and leave yourself no more knowledgeable then when you began. But yea, I agree, the phenomenon they are describing is a huge problem.
Carbon offsets are propaganda at best, but actually intended for large Greehouse Gas emitters to use accounting tricks to ensure they don’t have to change anything about their business, and show they are complying with the toothless regulations those same industries lobbied the EPA to ratify.
By even participating in the scam you are perpetuating more climate destruction. If you want to “offset” your carbon footprint, go bomb a pipeline. The amount of disruption you cause will probably offset your entire life’s carbon output.
Yes most people are. The you is the general you, not you specifically. But the theoretical person/people who do decide the time is right, will be glad to have that privacy.
Basically privacy is worthless if you don’t need it and priceless if you do.
If you don’t have a set top box, i.e. no cable, no sattelite, then you would plug OTA directly into the TV and use the tuner there. I haven’t used a set-top box in like 15 years. It’s always been an HTPC, or an Intel Nuc or something like that.