ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023


  • I used to think fudging Vs not fudging was a stylistic decision, but as I’ve played more I feel it’s a system issue. If you feel a need to fudge rolls, either to raise or lower the stakes, to force desired plot points or avoid unnarrative deaths, or to fix broken challenge ratings, you’re probably using the wrong system for you and your group.
    Think about what issues you’re actually trying to avoid by fudging, and then look for systems that are structured to avoid those issues. If the rolls get in the way of your narrative, switch to a more narrative system. If you’re fighting against the system to build satisfying combat encounters, switch to something more tactical.

    It’ll always take a couple of sessions to get used to a new system, but learning one is always a lot faster than continuing to waste time trying to force a system to do things it wasn’t made for.

  • I’m not sure if you understand that we’re comparing how long it takes a bear to kill someone to a person’s entire remaining life span. I can absolutely 100% guarantee that a bear kills you a lot faster than natural aging.

    And no, obviously it isn’t because of people like me, I actually respect women and their opinions - you, on the other hand, are very happy to diminish them and tell them to shut up because you know better. You demean and objectify them like every common or garden rapist - you, specifically, are exactly the type of man they’re thinking about in the hypothetical.

  • Delete this you fucking child, it’s embarrassing that you would misinterpret their choice this much - women aren’t thinking about fucking the bear, its your obsession with fucking that threatens them - the unwillingness to see the world from any point of view but your own.

    Do not think that women are thinking about a best case scenario in this question: they are very much thinking about how much they’d rather be killed quickly than raped by someone like you and left traumatised for the rest of their lives. Men like you who laugh at the idea that you’re more threatening than a bear haven’t just misunderstood their answers, you’ve fundamentally misunderstood the question.

  • Where do you want to start? The player mechanics are way outdated and overcomplicated for what it wants to be, the GM mechanics are functionally nonexistant, the lore is cliched at best and still incredibly bigoted in many areas, the better adventures are just rehashes of 2e and 3.x adventures and still need entire communities dedicated to making them runnable, it’s unbalanced until you get to about level 10 at which point it becomes unplayable, and without pirating it’s incredibly expensive.
    Trying to strap every possible setting and mechanic onto a fantasy rule system was one of the issues 3.x ended up with, and 5e hasn’t been designed to solve that.