• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I honestly just threw it together, let me write down what I did:


    • 450g Dinkel flour
    • 50g wheat flour
    • 400ml water
    • 1 packet dry yeast
    • 2 teaspoons salt
    • 1 teaspoon onion powder
    • 3-4 tablespoons of fried onions
    • A bit of milk


    • Mix the wheat flour with 250ml of the water and cook it in a pot til it forms a thick paste. Let that cool down
    • Mix the dinkel flour with the remaining 150ml of water, the yeast, salt and onion powder
    • While mixing slowly add the roux to the mix
    • Knead until you get a well developed dough, roughly ten to fifteen minutes
    • Put in the fried onions and knead until they are well dispersed
    • Cover and let rest at a warm place until doubled, roughly one hour
    • Put into a well floured Dutch oven, brush with milk, score it and put the lid on
    • Put the durch oven into the cold oven at 180°C without convection
    • Bake for 50 minutes
    • Remove the lid and let it bake for another 10 minutes until the top is nice and brown

  • That’s not really what that blog post is talking about. Lua isn’t actually particularly old as far as programming languages go and one of the most commonly used scripting languages in game development, due to it’s easy embeddability. And it’s a perfectly fine language in that regard.
    Their problem is that they built their own visual scripting language on top of Lua called BlockBuilder. And that comes with quite a bit of overhead, since the way they’re doing it needs a number of additional heavy operations. And Lua is a full blown programming language that comes with a lot of functionality that they don’t need for that use case, but still need to account for.
    So the complaint is, that they used Lua instead of using a simpler and constrained language

  • That’s a rather rose-colored view of the game. One thing is certainly true about Spore: It’s absolutely unique in its genre and we haven’t really seen the like since.
    But it certainly had its flaws when it came out. The main one being that the further into the game you got, the more lackluster it felt. With the space exploration endgame feeling rather empty and basically the same every playthrough, with how you developed your creature having very little impact.
    There was also the whole DRM controversy which everyone complained about. The game had to be activated via EAs online servers and you could only activate it five times total. And changing your PCs hardware was seen as a new PC which needed a new activation