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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • GTA online took ages to load, like 10+ minutes on some machines. One guy got really annoyed and investigated. It turned out to be loading a single 10MB JSON file in an incredibly inefficient manner. The JSON file contains about 60,000 items and they need to extract each item from it, but every time they look for the next item they start from the beginning of the file again, despite already knowing where they found the previous item! All the entries in the JSON list are unique, but the code also checks for any duplicate entries, of course it’s also done in the least efficient way possible requiring 1,984,531,500 comparisons for something that has no effect. Not only did this one person find these problems but he also implemented a fix that reduced load times by 70% as a result, shaving off more than 7 minutes of load times for some machines. The fact that Rockstar didn’t notice this is frankly shocking and speaks to the fact that they really just don’t care.


  • People have made distro recomendations already, so I want to talk a bit about what makes a distro a distro: application repositories and management, update cadence, and what’s installed by default. That’s pretty much it. Anything else can likely be transplanted from distro to distro.

    Out of the default applications by far the most important is the desktop environment. Have a look at Gnome, KDE (and others, cinnamon, etc.). Pick something you like the look of. Gnome is known to be closer to Mac styling and sentiments, including the our-way-or-the-highway philosophy, limited customisability in the name of consistency, etc… KDE is the ‘we heard you like customisation so we put customisations on your customisations’ kind of environment.

    Update cadence really boils down to one of two things - do you want a new OS version every few months where the distro maintainers manually release a bunch of software all tested together (e.g. Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora), or do you want each application released individually after it’s been tested to work with everything else (Arch)? Note that the former are sometimes called ‘stable’ releases but not because they are less likely to crash, but because there are simply fewer updates. The latter are called ‘rolling’ releases.

    The application management philosophies are a lot harder to nail down, especially as a newbie. You will probably just have to accept that the first distro you try will likely not be the one you settle on. For instance I started with Ubuntu until I got fed up how difficult it was to install anything not found in the main repository (a surprising amount of software): In Debian-based distros (like Ubuntu) unofficial software is fragmented across thousands of ‘personal’ repositories that you must manually add URLs and signing keys for, it feels very clunky. Because they are personal respositories it’s easy for the owner to abandon it or just not push updates and you won’t even notice until it breaks after a system update. Once I had some Linux experience under my belt I found the Arch repository style much easier to work with: One central official repository, and one ‘unofficial’ repository. I’ve heard Fedora has a similar system.

    But the single most important piece of advice - just pick something. The great thing about Linux is it makes hopping distros easy: A package manager makes it trivial to export a list of installed programs so you can reinstall them on your next distro. You won’t be enslaved to a distro once you decide, so just pick something and use it for a bit. Learn what you like and what you don’t. Use that to decide on your next pick.

  • Rossphorus@lemmy.worldto3DPrinting@lemmy.worldHow?
    10 months ago

    As people have said already this is a somewhat common failure mode, especially when swapping nozzles. This happened to me twice between three nozzle swaps. The first time was a major leak like yours, the other time it was only slight (which I then made worse in my attempt to fix…). I was obviously doing something wrong, but I came fully prepared the second time with video guides for my specific machine and everything but still couldn’t get it perfect.

    If you never want to think about this failure mode again (like me) then consider swapping your hotend for a Revo. A Revo nozzle is also the heatbreak, so there’s no possibility of a bad connection between them. The ‘nozzles’ are more expensive but they can be hotswapped (coldswapped, even) by hand with no special tools. Before I did everything in my power to avoid nozzle swaps, so I ended up settling for a jack-of-all-trades (but master of none) nozzle that I would never have to swap. Since moving to Revo however I find myself swapping nozzles way more now that it’s easy and with no chance of destroying my hotend. For instance I have a high-flow 1mm nozzle for quickly doing big structural prints, they print in like one third of the time and are way stronger than equivalent prints on a smaller nozzle. I also have a 0.25mm nozzle for miniature model prints with a better resolution than I could ever get before. I’m still waiting for a high-flow abrasion-resistant Revo nozzle, though.

  • The buggest hurdle is usually software. Make a list of all the applications you use on a daily basis. If they all have a linux version that’s great, otherwise I’d suggest finding alternatives that work on linux (or at least work okay through WINE) before you switch your OS. Ideally you would swap out all your software for linux-compatible ones before you even switch away from Windows to get a feel for everything and minimise the amount of things you have to learn all at once.

    After that choosing a linux distro is honestly not as life-defining as you’d think. Don’t feel like you have to stick with the first distro you choose, as chances are you won’t pick the right one for you until you know a little more. I’d recommend setting up a USB drive with Ventoy and filling it full of distro images so you can get a feel for how they work without too much fuss.

    For reference, my personal journey started with Ubuntu, then Kubuntu (uses the KDE desktop which I much prefer, instead of GNOME), then I hopped over to Arch-based distros with Manjaro (finally got me away from the very clunky and annoying PPA system that Ubuntu and derivatives have), then EndeavourOS when I realised Manjaro is honestly just a hot mess (the devs have screwed up several times. A more vanilla Arch distro like EndeavourOS works way better for the AUR too).

  • How has nobody recommended Supreme Commander (Forged Alliance)? It’s the inspiration for other games in this thread like Planetary Annihilation and Beyond All Reason. It’s so good that when the official servers shut down the community banded together and formed their own server and dev team to continue regular balancing and updates. It’s on steam and works on Linux with minimal tinkering. You can either play the campaign on the Steam version or head straight over to Forged Alliance Forever, the community-hosted server, to access the campaign (with added multiplayer support!), all the new patches and mods, and play some multiplayer games too.