• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Portable web browser to read books on. That’s all I use mine for, except for the occasional text message / phone call. I got by fine for a long while with just my laptop, but reading on my phone is just a lot more convenient in a lot of cases. Like when you’re walking, or running, or standing, or laying down. It’s a pain in the ass to read from a laptop while walking, I’ve almost dropped the poor thing too many times to count.

  • Stores buy specifically tailored perfume to encourage people to buy in demand products, it’s not even a secret or anything it’s s common practice. Some smaller stores do the same but with music playlists.

    Another common one I’ve seen is adverts, which are exactly that and so common that lots of people don’t even notice them anymore.

    Then of course there’s the simpler things, like the design of a website. Well designed websites make the difference between a customer and a passer-by.