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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • Spook is from the german “spuking” which means haunting. Its use in this context comes from the german philosopher Max Stirner who is infamous for the memes where X is declared to be a spook.

    Understanding what exactly spooks are is somewhat challenging, and plenty of people get the wrong ubderstanding about what is meany by spooks. But at least in the meme way of using the word, a spook is anything you think is a fairy tale, or nonsense that you don’t care about.

  • But, the ITIF found that China is using automation far more than expected based on what workers get paid in manufacturing, with 12½ times more robots in use than predicted – a big jump from 1.6 times more in 2017. In contrast, the United States uses only 70 per cent of the robots it should be using, given the wages paid to its manufacturing workers.

    This should be an indicator that China’s economy really is different from ordinary capitalist economies. Of course, most people won’t care.

    The rise of these start-ups has heralded significant cost advantages and efficiencies. The ITIF report cited Li Zexiang, a Hong Kong University of Science and Technology professor, who said: “People here [in Dongguan] can develop a new tech product five to 10 times faster than in Silicon Valley or Europe, at one-fifth or one-fourth the cost.”

    Fully automated communism soon?

  • subsistance farming doesn’t guarantee full-time job security nor does it entail that (for example) the farmer is able to pay for school or healthcare for the farmer or their family.

    I’m not defending subsistence farming. We are scientific socialists, and we are all for developing the forces of production here. All I am saying is that these income comparisons suck.

    What is considered liberalism here?

    I’m attacking the myopia that liberals have when they are unable to comprehend economics on non-market terms. I even have a friend who argues me about how good minimum wage earners have it in the west because of stats like this. These stats were designed by neolibs to defend neoliberalism. It makes the western proletariat look ungrateful and greedy.

    I must read about the 400 million people or more that escaped Capitalism!

    There are actually 2 billion people living as “small holder farmers”. Their market income is terrible, but that is because they eat most of what they produce, and only sell on the market to aquire goods they cannot produce on their own.

    Obviously, life isn’t idyllic for these people, but it is literally physically impossible to survive on less than 2 dollars per day if you are a western proletariat. My rent alone (not counting utilities) is 25 dollars per day, and I am living in a 20m^2 studio. I once lived in a room where I only had enough space to put a mattress on the floor and my bags on the side. I shared all facilities with 8 people. I still paid 15 per day for the rent (not including utilities).

    I would joke that people in the global South must be living in cardboard boxes if they actually make 2 dollars (adjusted for cost of living) per day, but the homeless guy I helped out recently told me 14 dollars only gets him and his gf through 1 night/day.

    That should tell that most global income comparison stats are garbage.

    It makes some sense to compare incomes within one country (even then, there are problems), but across countries things get tricky, especially when you factor in countries that haven’t even fully transitioned to capitalism yet.

    labour aristocracy

    Not going to get into that, as the extent of imperialist plunder was not even the topic I was commenting on.