• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • A great many people really like OSX; its been a long time since i’ve daily driven it but there’s stuff about the way it works that feels more efficient than windows, and easier than linux. That’s not something that appeals to everyone but its obviously worked for a lot of folks.

    So back in the day it was about getting to use OSX (and in other cases apps that were OSX only, or just ran better in OSX) but not having to pay so much for the hardware. That’s a calculation that to me really only made sense for desktops; as for quite a long time Apple’s laptops weren’t actually massively more expensive than a similarly spec’d windows laptop.*

    Overtime i’d argue that linux desktops have caught up to a lot of what made OSX feel good; but they’re not like for like even now. Though take that with a grain of salt as I spend more time in cli/tui nowadays across my macbook, work windows laptop and various linux boxes i’ve got running :)

    *The thing was that the average windows laptop was under-spec compared to a Macbook Pro so the latter always looked way more pricey.

  • I barely follow WWE news, and haven’t watched anything since switching to NJPW in 2017, and then AEW when it launched; but I always thought from what i’d heard of big news that Rock v Roman was a match that was always going to happen, and assumed that the only place it would ever happen was Wrestlemania.

    So as a mostly disconnected, not even casual fan, I figured Cody winning the Rumble and picking Rollins was always the plan, otherwise they’d what, wait until next year for Rock-Roman?

    I wonder if that only changed once Punk imploded, got himself fired and then became available for WWE again?

  • Its an interesting thought, notwithstanding the WWE fan base have in the past been extraordinarily forgiving… WWE’s own curated mythology is that since the 80s, Wrestling = WWE, and WWE = Vince. Most of their documentaries lay the entirety of WWEs financial and creative success at the feet of Vince’s “genius”. Essentially the WWE is built on a cult of personality that is a little Stalinist in terms of Vince being the godfather of everything big and successful the company has ever done.

    Will they need to break down that myth, or will their audience just forgive it, or not even really believe it? I think you could make an argument that a large part of WWE’s audience is proudly not very woke so I can kinda see it not being a very big deal for many of them. So long as Vince is gone I suspect they won’t bother doing anything more, certainly not without anybody painting the WWE = Vince over & over. I guess they’ll have to pull and/or edit basically every documentary type product they’ve ever produced though!