• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023

  • The thing is, thinking that way actually impedes your ability to pass. Passing is not a product of any individual thing but many things, and how people perceive and respond to you depends on lots of factors many of them do not do with physiological gender signifiers. I spent years denying myself everything I ever wanted. I wore loose baggy clothes, I didn’t try with my skincare or haircare, I would obsess about the way people perceived me and tear myself apart in the mirror over every little detail. I was making myself miserable, and holding myself back and being so obviously insecure about these things actually made me less likely to pass. Fully embracing my style and showcasing my curves and my skin has made a massive difference in the likelihood of me passing. I rarely do not pass anymore.

    look at you literally describing me!

    It’s okay if you can’t today, or if you still want to wait.

    is it? i feel two conflicting things:

    • if i start now i have a higher chance of being happy
    • if i wait i will be more secure and sure that this is right and have a higher chance of being happy

  • Dysphoria is not what makes someone transgender!

    Yeah I know. I’ve already cut off ties with that friend mostly.

    CW: rest of this message is infused with my brain worms around passing

    Many transfem people do not pass. […] You don’t owe it to anyone to look a certain way before you can be yourself.

    I’d actually rather live with dysphoria forever and simply be dissociated and self-hating the whole time. Not because I don’t think I’d be a “real woman”, but because if I can’t for the most part look like a cis woman, I’m STILL going to have the dysphoria, but then I’m also going to have to deal with people telling me I’m an abomination - it’d only make things worse because it would just add to the existing pain.

    Then again there is basically no way for HRT to make me look worse, and I already look so fem that if I was actually trying I could probably already pass.