I mean, from a technological perspective email, even encrypted, really isn’t that secure. That being said neither is fax but…
You Can’t Stop The Signal
I mean, from a technological perspective email, even encrypted, really isn’t that secure. That being said neither is fax but…
My copy of trivial pursuit has several questions that say the n-word. So be prepared for that potentially.
221k? What the shit.
Sounds like you’ve never met a special forces guy
I was 12, on base with my dad and there was a SAS guy there for joint ops or something. He proceeded to give me a detailed account of how to turn I beams and c4 into projectiles and claimed they used said tactic in Iraq. Fucker had charts.
I’m pretty sure an AI wrote it.
Your post history is a roller coaster. Are you ai posting?
Watching a leagur player beat leave their abusive relationship is a beautiful thing
Did it?
If you’re gonna run docker, dockge might be what you’re looking for.
You’ve lost the plot.
And that’s relevant because…?
I’m fairly certain they were talking about Ukraine using them if nobody followed the laws of war.
It was against napster.
No, I don’t think I am.
Not kidding, just a foreigner. I assumed it was bipartisan given America’s hatred for Russia over the past few decades. Didn’t realize Trump was so bully for em. I knew about the whole “he’s a Russian not” conspiracy but given that seemed to be false I assumed it was more accepted by both sides that Ukraine should have aid.
Its this exact kind of baseless nonsense that makes it so damn difficult for a foreigner to try and understand US politics.
Would a right wing US government force a capitulation? I was under the impression that support from the US was bipartisan.
What the fuck job did you do
Something to consider is not everyone’s interests are aligned. I’m not American so I can’t comment on that specific area of the world, but that sort of question comes up a lot in my country and one of the biggest reasons is one party wants to make my hobbies/job harder and the other doesn’t. So I don’t think I’ll vote for them. Now you, someone who doesn’t have said job or hobbies, probably doesn’t give a fuck about that. So you support said positions.