Interesting article, the statistics section was quite surprising. I wonder if there were as many fantasy books in school libraries before harry potter came out.
Interesting article, the statistics section was quite surprising. I wonder if there were as many fantasy books in school libraries before harry potter came out.
If I were a professional athlete I would feel in the right to refuse to shake the hand of an athlete coming from a country proven to have a state-sponsored doping program significant enough to warrant that country’s flag being banned from the Olympics long before this war.
Clearly this was about the war, but let’s not pretend sportsmanship was intact before this handshake debacle came to be.
Many people here are talking about buying an iPad and the pencil, but if all you’re doing is reading papers I think this is a massive overspend. There are many inexpensive android tablets that come with pencils plenty good enough for handwriting or non-artistic drawing.
Of course, you say you have a job so you’re likely not to need to buy the cheapest thing possible (even if you don’t, you’re not forced to buy an iPad, Samsung’s tablet software is quite good), but I don’t want someone with the same use case, who might just be a student, to get the impression they need to spend a grand to read pdfs.
The fediverse is the best chance any of us have of experience an internet free of tech oligopolies, that’s the biggest difference for me.
Of course mass adoption would make it more likely to have lively niche communities, but most importantly, I think it should be a right for people to exist on the internet without a massive corporation trying to turn them into a nutjob for monetary gain.
I’m not sure I understand, epub is both the industry standard and an open format, as far as I know. Why not work on using it or build it around epub from the get-go?
I have to admit I’ll have to wait for the project to start implementing epub to consider getting on board, but it’s still a great effort.