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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Love seeing Morrowind references in the wild.

    By the way, it’s strongly implied in the game that holding those meteorites suspended above the city is a bargaining chip by Vivec to scare people into continued worship of him to offset the fading power of the heart of Lorkhan (which they used to become the tribunal of gods in the first place).

    This is also why, in the expansion (after the Nerevarine destroys the heart) we see the meteorites falling to the earth after Vivec disappears. This eventually triggers the apocalyptic red year, which leaves large parts of Morrowind destroyed and explains the dark elf refugees in TES V (plus the expansion where you can see the mainland of Morrowind as a smouldering ruin from the shore of Solstheim).

  • I am 100% with the women choosing the bear over an unknown man. Most wildlife, including bears, just want to be left alone to do their own thing. You can safely assume that the most likely thing to happen is the bear just does it’s own thing and lets you be. An unknown man is a much less predictable entity, and as such should be treated with a lot more suspicion.

    Side note for those wanting to be pedantic: Bears vary in their level of habituation and indifference to humans as a result. More habituated bears may associate you with food, and some may even see you as food (depending on species) This will affect their aggression towards you, but as a general rule of thumb it’s still safe to assume any random bear would be more inclined to leave you alone or just steal your food than to actively want to harm you.