• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • Rust Cohle sees you and has a vision about the vast emptiness of space, where he realizes that life has no meaning and time just repeats endlessly in an inescapable loop. He numbs himself every night trying to forget you, but he can’t escape the gravity of your memory. He’s pulled under the darkness, like a crashing ocean wave, and he’s drowning, over and over, in the inky blackness. He realizes you’re trans five years later, after everything he loves is dead, because he’s the only one who can.

  • Would you use the term “bitch” when talking about dogs? Or just say female dog to avoid being misunderstood? It used to be used that way, but now you’re going to sound like an asshole if you use it.

    Once people start using a technical term as a slur, it gets tainted by that additional meaning. You can’t forcefully separate the technical term from the slur. If you don’t want people to think you’re throwing around slurs, you need to find a new word to use.

    Don’t blame the people hurt by the slurs, blame the assholes who misused the word so often that they fucked up its meaning.

  • atomicorange@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    2 months ago

    Your condescending tone and weird insistence that we only talk about very specific topics in very specific ways makes me think you’re not interested in a good faith discussion at all.

    You seem upset, so I won’t push any more. Hope you feel better soon!

  • atomicorange@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    2 months ago

    What percentage of women do you suppose have had a man threaten to rape or kill them? Get violently angry at them? Sexually assault them or a friend? I reckon it’s near 100%.

    The fear isn’t that all men will assault them, it’s that any man might. It’s not irrational, it’s based on experience. There are men in this thread arguing that women should be arming themselves to stay safe, right alongside men arguing that fear is irrational.

    Fuck the men with hurt feelings. Your fellow men have proved themselves dangerous, time and again. Women will treat you like dangerous predators until men as a group start policing their own and building a world where women don’t have reason to fear.