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  • 0 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    While every month Valve has been posting a fresh set of the most played Steam Deck games for the previous month, they’ve now added a dedicated Steam Chart for it.

    Like the most played for May and again for April.

    So you no longer have to wait for Valve to post about what’s currently hot, you can just go and see for yourself.

    Like other Steam Charts you can filter it and with the Steam Deck chart it lets you view the most played games over the last week, month and year based on player counts.

    For example, this is for the last week, and handily it shows the Deck Verified rating too:

    While you’re here, why not hop on over to our Forum to talk about Your favourite game so far of 2024?

    The original article contains 142 words, the summary contains 134 words. Saved 6%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    While every month Valve has been posting a fresh set of the most played Steam Deck games for the previous month, they’ve now added a dedicated Steam Chart for it.

    Like the most played for May and again for April.

    So you no longer have to wait for Valve to post about what’s currently hot, you can just go and see for yourself.

    Like other Steam Charts you can filter it and with the Steam Deck chart it lets you view the most played games over the last week, month and year based on player counts.

    For example, this is for the last week, and handily it shows the Deck Verified rating too:

    While you’re here, why not hop on over to our Forum to talk about Your favourite game so far of 2024?

    The original article contains 142 words, the summary contains 134 words. Saved 6%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Georgia’s path to EU membership is being blocked by the passing of a controversial foreign influence law, European leaders have said at a summit in Brussels.

    “The European Council calls on Georgia’s authorities to clarify their intentions by reversing the current course of action which jeopardises Georgia’s EU path,” the leaders said in a document released on Thursday.They added that they maintained their “steadfast solidarity with the Georgian people” and expressed a “readiness to continue supporting Georgians on their path towards a European future”.

    Georgia was granted EU candidate country status in December after being given a list of steps it needed to take to proceed, including justice reform.

    Under it, media and non-governmental organisations that receive over 20% of their funding from abroad will have to register as “organisations acting in the interest of a foreign power”, submit themselves to stringent audits, or face punitive fines.The Georgian government argues the rules will ensure transparency of money flowing to support NGOs and protect Georgia from foreign interference.Its opponents have dubbed it "Russian law” because of its similarities with an existing law in Russia and believe the real reason for the legislation is to stifle dissent ahead of October’s parliamentary elections.

    The US has previously said the law threatens free speech.Thousands of Georgians have protested against it and there have been reports of NGO workers, activists and opposition politicians receiving threats or being physically assaulted at rallies.

    They said they would continue to monitor the situation in Georgia closely and called on the government to ensure the upcoming elections were “free and fair”.

    The original article contains 375 words, the summary contains 262 words. Saved 30%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    ATLANTA — President Joe Biden was supposed to put the nation’s mind at ease over his physical and mental capacity with his debate showing Thursday night.

    In one of the most notable moments, Biden ended a rambling statement that lacked focus by saying, “We finally beat Medicare,” before moderators cut him off and transitioned back to Trump.

    Nearly an hour into the debate, a Biden aide and others familiar with his situation offered up an explanation for the president’s hoarseness: He has a cold.

    Even the Biden campaign acknowledged that the debate would be a critical moment in the election, with officials hoping it could shake up the race to the president’s benefit.

    The public concerns are exacerbated by deceptively edited videos, some of which have gone viral, that cut off relevant portions of an event, making it appear as if Biden is wandering or confused.

    A Biden aide said that it was “not an ideal start” for the president at the beginning of the debate, but that there was “no mass panic” at the campaign headquarters in Delaware.

    The original article contains 675 words, the summary contains 178 words. Saved 74%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The first pre-release is now available for testing, allowing you to give feedback before the final 3.0 release.

    Naturally, if you don’t want to deal with any breakage, you should wait for the the main 3.0 release.

    Along with fixing the newest break in the steam beta, we’re proud to announce we’re releasing the first prerelease of Decky Loader 3.0, the websocket rewrite!

    For users, it means a hopefully more stable experience with better error handling, as well as more in-depth progress indication in Decky and its plugins.

    It’s also allowed us to fix a bug where Decky would sometimes not start without an internet connection.

    For plugin developers, it means a significantly easier to use API (it is now also asynchronous) and an easy way to do backend -> frontend communication.

    The original article contains 209 words, the summary contains 132 words. Saved 37%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    On April 4, a Justice Department attorney in Europe sent a dire message to colleagues back home: Their five-year battle to bring Julian Assange from Britain to the United States to stand trial for publishing hundreds of thousands of secret diplomatic and military files was likely to fail.

    If a deal was not made with the WikiLeaks founder before a U.K. court’s April 16 deadline to provide assurances related to free speech, they would lose all their leverage and possibly their British attorneys, who increasingly saw the case as unwinnable.

    “Time is short and my understanding is that the present plea proposal is currently on the [deputy attorney general’s] desk,” another member of the trial team emailed to leaders at the Justice Department’s counterintelligence and export control unit on April 4.

    Without the First Amendment assurance, one trial attorney said in an email, the British lawyers representing the U.S. government concluded they would run into “an ethical obligation to drop the case” because of “their duty of candor” — they could no longer argue for extradition when a condition required by the court had not been met.

    If they missed the deadline in 12 days, one attorney told leaders in the counterintelligence and export control section of the department by email, they would “face a situation where we lose our leverage and the UK potentially abandons us.”

    The Justice Department agreed that Assange could plead only to his involvement in procuring and publishing war logs and diplomatic cables given to him by Chelsea Manning, an Army private and intelligence analyst.

    The original article contains 1,790 words, the summary contains 260 words. Saved 85%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Nine astronauts on the space station briefly moved to their docked return spacecraft late Wednesday (June 26) as a satellite broke up in low Earth orbit.

    The Expedition 71 crew on the International Space Station (ISS) went to their three spacecraft, including Boeing Starliner, shortly after 9 p.m. EDT (0200 GMT), according to a brief NASA update on X, formerly known as Twitter.

    NASA procedures also dictate that astronauts may shelter in their return spacecraft if the hazard, typically a very tiny one in statistical terms, brings a chance of needing to evacuate the ISS.

    This happened, for example, after Russia deliberately destroyed a satellite in November 2021 as part of a surprise anti-satellite test that other countries (including the United States) condemned.

    The incident illustrates what NASA officials have been emphasizing about the Boeing Starliner spacecraft, which is more than three weeks into what was expected to be a 10-day Crew Flight Test mission.

    Starliner’s nominal departure date, however, has not yet been released pending the review and testing of its thruster systems and helium supply because problems with these two aspects of the spacecraft were discovered on June 6.

    The original article contains 969 words, the summary contains 191 words. Saved 80%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Snap national elections called by pro-business moderate President Emmanuel Macron have plunged the country into a hasty and disorderly electoral race, in which hate speech is becoming a growing concern.

    Another targeted group, called Les Remparts, is accused of inciting hate, discrimination and violence toward foreigners and non-white people, according to Interior Ministry decrees reviewed by The Associated Press.

    Another decree targeted a group called Jonas Paris, which it said claims to support France’s Muslim community but instead promotes violence, hate and discrimination toward non-Muslims, women and LGBTQ+ people.

    Noting similar videos that have appeared in Germany, the group said, ‘’these expressions of unbridled racism reflect a climate of the freeing-up of racist speech, fed by the worrying scores of the far right’’ in recent elections around Europe.

    His proposal to prevent dual citizens from accessing certain “strategic” state jobs in particular attracted the ire of Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, who said it revealed the true objectives of a party that has long been tied to xenophobia and racism.

    Bompard said the National Rally’s program would contribute to making the rich richer, at the expense of the poorest 30% share of the population, while Attal accused the 28-year-old Bardella of personally benefiting from the measure.

    The original article contains 796 words, the summary contains 205 words. Saved 74%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    It seems safe to predict, however, that Donald Trump — a felon who has been found civilly liable for sexual abuse and defamation — will try to make a good bit of the debate about crime.

    It also seems safe to predict that almost everything he says about crime (and other subjects, like the economy) will be deeply misleading, if not outright lies, despite the prospect of real-time and post hoc fact-checking.

    After all, Trump and his allies have spent months falsely portraying America as a nation terrorized by a wave of violent crime, pointing the finger at migrants and claiming that President Biden is responsible.

    As of last year, weekday traffic was still well below prepandemic levels, presumably reflecting fewer people commuting into downtown offices given the rise in remote and hybrid work.

    But weekend foot traffic, driven by people choosing to take advantage of urban amenities, had almost fully recovered — which wouldn’t be happening if shoppers, tourists and so on were terrified of crime.

    And the president probably deserves some credit for that success — among other things, the American Rescue Plan included a lot of aid to state and local governments, which may have encouraged additional spending on law enforcement.

    The original article contains 933 words, the summary contains 204 words. Saved 78%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    A protracted push by rightwing activists to recall Wisconsin’s Republican assembly speaker failed for a second time after the bipartisan commission overseeing elections in the state voted to toss their petition, finding they failed to submit a sufficient number of signatures.

    It is an especially delicate matter for the bipartisan elections commission, which has been the focus of conspiracy theories floated by allies of Donald Trump including the group attempting to recall Vos.

    “The effect is it would be giving the most powerful person in the assembly a free pass from the constitutional right of the 6,000-plus people that have asked to recall,” said Thomsen.

    Republican commissioner Don Millis, who motioned to dismiss the petition, acknowledged that while “it certainly is a close call”, the 188 signatures gathered over Memorial Day weekend should be tossed.

    Carrie Riepl, a Democratic commissioner, joined Republicans in a 4-2 vote to reject the recall petition.

    The first time activists filed for a recall election, the effort fell dramatically short of the required number of signatures – some of which were not gathered from Vos’s assembly district at all.

    The original article contains 378 words, the summary contains 184 words. Saved 51%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Federal food safety regulators said Tuesday that they have warned a top U.S. bakery to stop using labels that say its products contain potentially dangerous allergens when they don’t.

    The warning followed inspections late last year at Bimbo plants in Phoenix, Arizona, and Topeka, Kansas, that make Sara Lee and Brownberry breads.

    Those consumers have to be constantly aware of foods that can cause potentially life-threatening allergic reactions, said Sung Poblete, FARE’s chief executive.

    Bimbo, a Mexico City-based food giant, bills its U.S. operations as the largest commercial baking company in the country.

    In an email, company officials said they “take their role in protecting consumers with allergen sensitivities very seriously” and that they are corresponding with FDA to resolve the issue.

    Some companies, including Bimbo, began listing allergens such as sesame on labels as a “precaution” in case of cross-contamination.

    The original article contains 432 words, the summary contains 141 words. Saved 67%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The Israeli military body responsible for Palestinian civilian affairs, known by its acronym COGAT, said Thursday that the evacuation was carried out in coordination with officials from the United States, Egypt and the international community.

    The children and their companions left Gaza via the Kerem Shalom cargo crossing, and the patients were to travel to Egypt and farther abroad for medical treatment.

    He said the cases included in Thursday’s evacuation are “a drop in the ocean” and that the complicated route through Kerem Shalom and into Egypt cannot serve as an alternative to the Rafah crossing.

    The fact that fewer than 70 people left the territory Thursday “after two months the crossing has been closed is beyond tragic,” said Tania Hary executive director of Gisha.

    In a post on the social media platform X, the World Health Organization regional director for the Eastern Mediterranean, Hanan Balkhy, welcomed news of the children’s evacuation, but noted that “more than 10,000 patients still require medical care outside the Strip.

    “Medical evacuation corridors must be urgently established for the sustained, organized, safe, and timely passage of critically ill patients from Gaza via all possible routes,” she said.

    The original article contains 1,083 words, the summary contains 193 words. Saved 82%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Mohammed Khader, policy manager at the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights Action, told The Intercept that the amendment is part of a trend of anti-Palestinian sentiment in Congress since the start of Israel’s atrocities in Gaza.

    After reciting the death toll and other statistics about casualties, Tlaib said she intended to introduce the list of Palestinians killed in Gaza to the congressional record.

    The Ministry of Health is the only official entity tracking the death toll in Gaza; its figures have been cited broadly, including by the U.S. and Israeli governments.

    In December, the duo joined Republican Reps. Elise Stefanik and Steve Scalise to lead a resolution condemning university presidents and calling for their resignations for allegedly tolerating antisemitism on campus.

    In November, the two Democrats joined 20 others in censuring Tlaib, for reasons that included posting a video calling for a ceasefire that contained the phrase “from the river to the sea.”

    Along with Lawler, he headlined a call hosted by No Labels, in which he spoke with university trustees about how to push the FBI to take a bigger role in investigating campus protests.

    The original article contains 655 words, the summary contains 186 words. Saved 72%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Four years after gamer celebrity and streaming star Dr Disrespect, 42, was banned from Twitch for undisclosed reasons, reports emerged this week that he had allegedly used the Amazon-owned platform’s direct messaging feature to send sexually explicit texts to a minor.

    Renowned for playing battle royale shoot-em-up games in character as a kind of alpha jock sporting a thick mustache and mullet wig, he had signed a major multiyear deal with the company that March.

    (Full disclosure: the primary author of this article, Rod Breslau, first learned the reason for Beahm’s ban from credible sources in June 2020, but chose not to report on it then due to the extreme sensitivity of the topic.)

    “I went through a lengthy arbitration regarding a civil dispute with Twitch and that case was resolved by a settlement…But trust me when I say this…to all my haters that live and breath [sic] social media with zero real life experience, I don’t give a fuck about you.

    As some of its streamers faced a flood of sexual misconduct allegations in June 2020, Twitch created an incident response team codenamed “Gold Sparrow” to develop a process to investigate and take action on the reports as one unit, the former employee says.

    YouTube’s former global head of gaming partnerships at Google, Ryan Wyatt, confirmed to Rolling Stone that Beahm was not offered a contract due to chatter about the circumstances of his Twitch ban.

    The original article contains 1,607 words, the summary contains 237 words. Saved 85%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    “The president’s actions are working because of their tough response to illegal crossings,” Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas said at a press conference in Tucson, Arizona on Wednesday.

    Mayorkas says the administration has doubled the number of expedited removals in the last three weeks, with more than 100 international repatriation flights to 20 countries.

    So far on the California border, there’s been a noticeable shift: up until last month, the San Diego sector had been the place with most undocumented migrant crossings.

    Just weeks ago, hundreds of migrants still waited in campsites scattered throughout California’s Jacumba Valley, a remote area 80 miles east of San Diego.

    But some people still cross the border and end up here — including a family with three small children NPR encountered at one of the sweltering desert camps.

    Although the Biden administration touts these policies as a success, migrants continue to arrive at the border, although they stay on the Mexican side to ‘wait and see’ when to cross.

    The original article contains 570 words, the summary contains 166 words. Saved 71%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Nearly 200 people have been charged in a sweeping nationwide crackdown on health care fraud schemes with false claims topping $2.7 billion, the Justice Department said on Thursday.

    Attorney General Merrick Garland announced the charges against doctors, nurse practitioners and others across the U.S. accused of a variety of scams, including a $900 million scheme in Arizona targeting dying patients.

    The owners of the wound care companies, Alexandra Gehrke and Jeffrey King, were arrested this month at the Phoenix airport as they were boarding a flight to London, according to court papers urging a judge to keep them behind bars while they await trial.

    At their home, authorities found a book titled “How To Disappear: Erase Your Digital Footprint, Leave False Trails, and Vanish Without a Trace,” according to court papers.

    Gehrke and King lived lavishly off the scheme, prosecutors allege, citing luxury cars, a nearly $6 million home and more than $520,000 in gold bars, coins and jewelry.

    In total, 193 people — including 76 doctors, nurse practitioners, and other licensed medical professionals — were charged in a series of separate cases brought over about two weeks in the nationwide health care fraud sweep.

    The original article contains 583 words, the summary contains 198 words. Saved 66%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    A Reform UK activist in the constituency where Nigel Farage is standing has been secretly filmed making extremely racist comments about Rishi Sunak, as well as using Islamophobic and other offensive language.

    Farage said he was “dismayed” by the views expressed by Andrew Parker, a Reform canvasser, who was filmed as part of an undercover investigation by Channel 4 News.

    The channel also secretly filmed George Jones, a longtime party activist who organises events for Farage, making homophobic comments, calling the Pride flag “degenerate” and LGBT people “nonces”.

    The most serious comments uncovered by Channel 4 News involved Parker, who was covertly filmed making them while canvassing and travelling by car around Clacton, where Farage is the favourite to unseat the incumbent Conservative.

    Telling the reporter, who was posing as an activist, to “emphasise ‘illegal’” if discussing migration with minority ethnic voters, Parker called Islam “a cult”, saying: “We’re fucking kicking all the Muslims out of the mosques and turning them into Wetherspoon’s.”

    In another covertly filmed exchange, at a pub in Clacton, Jones reacts with scorn when he sees a police car going past displaying a Pride flag.

    The original article contains 686 words, the summary contains 189 words. Saved 72%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The former heads of Bolivia’s army and navy are among 17 people so far arrested for their alleged roles in a seemingly bungled military coup designed to topple the South American country’s leftwing president, Luis Arce.

    In his television interview, Del Castillo claimed that on Tuesday night, the eve of the alleged revolt, Arce and Zúñiga had met in the presence of another senior minister and that the president had informed the army chief he was being relieved of his duties because his conduct “was not in line with the political constitution”.

    Wednesday’s brief and still poorly explained mutiny, which lasted only about three hours and reportedly saw 12 people injured, was the latest convulsion to grip a notoriously volatile nation that has witnessed 190 revolutions and coups since it gained independence in 1825.

    Adding to the confusion were comments made by Zúñiga in the moments before he was detained, in which the ex-army chief appeared to accuse Arce of staging a sham coup in order to boost his flagging popularity.

    As the war of words intensified, armed police, their faces covered with balaclavas, guarded the wrought iron gates of the 19th-century neoclassical palace where much of the previous day’s drama had unfolded.

    The apparent coup attempt in Bolivia was the subject of almost universal condemnation from across the political spectrum in Latin America, with conservative governments in Ecuador, Uruguay and Paraguay speaking out, as well as leftwing ones in Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico.

    The original article contains 808 words, the summary contains 245 words. Saved 70%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Since its passing, the ESA has been credited for saving 99 percent of its listed wildlife including bald eagles, peregrine falcons, grizzly bears, humpback whales, and numerous other species crucial to the U.S. and global ecosystem.

    Tony Carrk, Executive Director of investigative Accountable.US, a progressive nonprofit research group, says that his team has observed Leo and his network attempt to “take over the courts, but also expand his reach in this far right, extreme conservative agenda that is intended to put more power in the hands of big corporations.”

    In 2022, Leo’s 85 Fund donated $150,000 to the Heritage Foundation — the conservative Washington think tank that is leading Project 2025, which is meant to function as Republicans’ policy road map if they win back the White House this year.

    The agenda says Congress should “take action to restore its original purpose and end its use to seize private property, prevent economic development, and interfere with the rights of states over their wildlife populations.”

    Leo’s 85 Fund also gave $200,000 in 2022 to the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC), a right-wing outfit that touts itself as “nonpartisan” while slamming ESA regulations seen as an impediment to fossil fuel companies.

    When discussing legislative opposition to the ESA, Robert Dewey, Defenders of Wildlife’s vice president of government relations, emphasizes how the law was grounded in science, not politics.

    The original article contains 996 words, the summary contains 227 words. Saved 77%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Digging further into the ad shows that it was purchased by an entity called Coles & Co, an advertiser identity Google claims to have verified.

    The reason for this is to bypass a macOS security mechanism that prevents apps from being installed unless they’re digitally signed by a developer Apple has vetted.

    The address happens to host the control panel for Poseidon, the name of a stealer actively sold in criminal markets.

    The discovery comes a month after Malwarebytes identified a separate batch of Google ads pushing a fake version of Arc for Windows.

    Like most other large advertising networks, Google Ads regularly serves malicious content that isn’t taken down until third parties have notified the company.

    They should also be wary of any instructions that direct Mac users to install apps through the right-click method mentioned earlier.

    The original article contains 534 words, the summary contains 138 words. Saved 74%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!