observing humanity from beyond

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 年前
Cake day: 2022年3月24日


  • 小莱卡@lemmygrad.mltoScience Memes@mander.xyzBeans
    1 个月前

    There has to be a balance, we need to understand that as long as we export harvests out of the field we need to import nutrients into the field. We can’t expect plants to naturally replenish the nutrients that we unnaturally extract.

    Also we need to understand that when we introduce heavy machinery into a field, we need heavy machinery to break compaction. Plants and soil organisms simply cannot naturally break the compaction caused by our unnaturally heavy machinery that is heavily concentrated in the small contact area of a tire.

    Some of these dogmatic beliefs lead to “regenerative” farmers being more extractivists than the industrial farmers they demonize.

  • I would be highly skeptical of these farms, these are incapable of growing crops with actual density like tubers, beans, grains, etc… There is a reason you only see them growing leaf vegetables or mushrooms, and these end up tasteless due the lack of nutrients.

    One of the problems i see with this way of farming is that it ignores that crops are connected to nature, crops do not grow in a vacuum. The soil is an ecosystem in which a huge array of microorganisms interact with each other, stuff gets decomposed by microorganisms, microorganisms leave residues, plants absorb these residues, plant leaves residues, and so on… When farmers harvest their crops, a huge portion of matter is taken away from this ecosystem (because you literally export the grain out of the soil), in order to keep building the soil organic matter farmers need to incorporate the crop residues into the soil AND add external inputs to keep building up the soil. It is a process, in which each harvest farmers have to provide the nutrients depleted by the exported harvest AND, in order to produce more, keep adding to it. But as you can see, most of the heavy lifting is done by the microorganisms that live in the soil, this is the big reason why i don’t think these vertical farms will ever be as efficient as regular farms. ( do these farms have to literally provide every single nutrient manually?, doesnt seem very efficient to me)

    Also can’t convince me that providing light electronically is more efficient than literally using the sun energy lmao.