Laie hier: Darf sichergestelltes Geld eigentlich ohne Kontrolle/Steuerung der Legislative eigentlich direkt von der Exekutive für eigene Zwecke ausgegeben werden? Würde in meiner Naivität annehmen das kommt in den Pool der zu vergebenen Mittel und der Finanzausschuss der jeweiligen Regierungsebene verteilt das dann
I should have worded it better - violence is the easy way. Easy is tempting. It’s harder to debate with people. Inherently better, no doubt! It’s a pattern in history that the number of people in power being corrupted by it is not low. Admittedly, not unfathomable high either, but it happens.
Last, sanity can slip in extreme situations and this, hopefully fictional, scenario is extreme in my book
I understand your longing for immediate action and I share the emotional need to cut off the snake’s head sooner than later. Those who break the social contract of tolerance for each other should not be protected by it. Unfortunately it is a matter of fact that violence will always spiral out of control. First you just want to get rid of the fascists. Assume you succeed and don’t get reprimanded by law. Then you know how to get rid of someone and can act on it. What stops you to get to your rivals that want to strip you from your new found power? Chances are real you drift off into dictator mannerisms yourself.
The only way to not become what you try to eliminate is not to use excessive violence to begin with. Use the law. Use intimidating mass demonstrations. Use social pressure by making their views unspeakable again. Be better, stand for your values, organize with like minded folk and don’t play into the stereotype of left groups always splittering into incapable small groups that cannot cooperate and coordinate
Temporary note in terms of auto delete after a time? Although the manual Zettelkasten workflow intends you to delete your temporary notes by hand, it is pretty easy to automate this in Obsidian. Personally I have some actions for meeting minutes and notes on people to be moved to designated folders, but the same principle could be applied to create an action to delete any note older than X days
Well, Obsidian does have a bazillion plugins that make handling all kinds of content easier. I’m pretty satisfied with the out of the box experience though
I would recommend looking into personal knowledge management. I manage mine in Obsidian and treat snippets like permanent notes
But didn’t he also go above and beyond to have him portrayed as founder of SpaceX?
It does! Basically any package is offeted. There’s also a mobile app for Android and iPhone. Just take a look at
Obsidian has very rich support scripts and workflows documented for MacOS - I highly recommend it
Man fängt auch nicht mit 20 klassichen Liegestützen an, sondern tastet sich über Varianten an um Verletzungen zu vermeiden ;)
Disclaimer : not an Apple user, not a lawyer
This should be illegal by European law. Without further knowledge it seems like a prime example for the GDPR letter of death and a pretty solid case for data protection lawyers
In general, yes. Also it would be better for the environment, even if you want to avoid washing the ball up and use tea filters