• 33 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • I have no experience with game development so i can’t speak on what that takes, but the difficulty of modding very much depends on the game. Paradox games for instance are generally extremely easy to mod, pretty much anyone can learn to do it, though the skill ceiling can be quite high depending on how deep you want to get into more complicated scripting and/or 3D modeling new assets.

    Whether or not these skills translate to making your own game i don’t know. But if you are interested in giving that a try that i think the place to start is perhaps a tutorial for one of the more commonly used engines like Unity.

  • In my head canon there’s kind of a “flag of convenience” thing going on there. You know how a lot of countries register their ships in Panama or Liberia despite the ships and the companies having nothing to do with those countries? I like to imagine it’s the same with exorcists and that a lot of them are just registered in Italy (because Pope and Catholic church HQ and all that) but actually live and “work” in entirely different countries.

    Although the idea that Italy just has a couple hundred exorcists running around shouting “La potenza di Cristo ti costringe!” at random people on the street is also somewhat amusing to me…

  • This is an extremely serious issue and unfortunately not many people know about or understand it. Too many still believe that if something is open source then it can’t have malicious code and backdoors in it, but unfortunately that’s just not the case. We already knew that the mainstream platforms and western made hardware all have built in backdoors and co-operate with the intelligence agencies, but that this is now extending to the more fringe alternative platforms and OSS as well is very worrisome.

    And there is nothing that guarantees that just because they managed to fend off one attempt at infiltration that no further attempts were already made and maybe even successful. I think that where this is all heading toward is that at some point people for who privacy and security against western governments is essential will have no choice but to use exclusively Russian and Chinese made products. Yes those will undoubtedly have backdoors for their respective states as well, but as long as they do not share their intelligence with the West i frankly couldn’t care less if they know what i’m up to. The main government that you need to be worried about is always the one in your own country, doubly so if you live in the imperial core.