Just a dorky trans woman on the internet.

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  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Not to be pedantic but I think the headline is fine.

    If you simulated a fire in a building for training purposes and upon activating the fire alarm, it got broadcast to emergency services when it shouldn’t, you did accidentally broadcast the fire alarm, simulated or not.

    The “accidentally” already implies it was done in error, suggesting it was not an emergency. On the other hand, if it was a real emergency, and just wasn’t meant to be publicly broadcasted, I feel like the headline would’ve looked different.

  • I started playing Create: Prepare to Dye (Modrinth, CurseForge) which removes all survival elements from the game and has you focus on purely automation. You crash land on a unique looking planet devoid of resources and have to figure out how make everything from scratch using all-custom recipes, starting by making things from just milk.

    There’s (funny) contracts that push you to discover how to make new resources and automate them, and they give you neat things in return. Many things can be made in a number of different ways, so it’s up to you to pick one, or decide when to move to a different recipe when it becomes available to you.

    Everything is themed around dyes so instead of iron plates, you’ll see white plates. Instead of gold or brass ingots, you have yellow cubes. Copper is orange. Diamond is light blue. I’ve been very happy with the choice of mods used in this pack. Two essential ones are Create (obviously) but also Botania – the tech / automation mod everyone forgets about.

  • This thinking is hateful and dangerous.

    Are there trans women who have previously experimented with being a femboy? Definitely.
    Are there femboys that for one reason or another are actually trans but in denial? I’m sure they exist.

    Is every femboy an egg? Hell no. There’s plenty that are happy with their gender identity. In fact, thanks to them being able to be in touch with their feminine side, they probably know pretty well if they feel like a man or a woman. Don’t push femboys to transition, but be supportive if they want to explore the possibility.

  • I don’t have the time to watch it all, but I remember that the Steamworks Development channel on YouTube had recently-ish released this video about how games get surfaced to players and it also talks about what parts of the store are personalized and which aren’t.

    In the video I can only see the small ad on the left side about the Steam Deck. You’re talking about the big banner ad that appears somewhere inbetween the sections? I can only guess they put it there for everyone, or maybe just every region that can purchase a Deck, for simplicity.

  • copygirl@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldFacepalm
    8 months ago

    It could just have something to do with the fact that many people think ads are not only annoying but also highly manipulative, creating artificial needs in people, a tool to make already successful and rich companies even richer, … and the surrounding technology to power them is unethical, hoarding tons of information, building profiles of people, tracking which websites they visit, what search terms they use, …

    When people talk about blocking ads, being frustrated about them showing up, it’s just kind of disrespectful to be like “well you could just pay for the service, you know?”. Besides, who knows how much actually ends up in the creators’ pockets.

  • My current go-to is Auto-TerraFirmaCraft which combines TFC with Create. It has a lot of custom recipes to fit the two together. Perfect for playing along while watching a let’s play series at the same time.

    If you’re looking for something that’s like Minecraft, but not, and overhauls especially the early game (which is virtually non-existant in Vanilla), along with lots of later-game mechanics, but you also enjoy the fun contraptions you can build with Create to automate and generally be creative with, this could be worth checking out? Warning though, it might take a while to unlock Create machines. (I’m still in the copper age, myself.)

  • I think you’re wrong. Downvotes are literally meant to be to provide a community powered mechanism to push irrelevant content into out of view, as per the community’s purpose. They are not going to be used as part of an algorithm to push more relevant content to you specifically. Of course, that’s not how a lot of people end up using them, so whether it’s an effective mechanism is another question.

    Meanwhile, I’m on an instance that doesn’t federate downvotes, so they don’t affect ranking here, maybe for the better?