Die Regierung ist jetzt echt langsam mal am Zug
Die Regierung ist jetzt echt langsam mal am Zug
aus meinem Umfeld hab ich gelernt, dass bei einer Rot-Grün-Sehschwäche neben der Kombi Rot-Grün auch die Kombis Rosa-Grau und Dunkelblau-Lila schwer unterscheidbar sein können. Gab deswegen schon einige Verwirrungen bei uns
when it’s scorching hot outside and you eat this salad fresh out of the fridge, that’s like heaven 👌
wenn ich die Ableitung aus dem Russischen bilde, wo “chleb” (mit einem ch wie in Buch) Brot bedeutet, und das in Kombination mit Klebereiweiß aka Gluten zu Chlebereiweiß wird? sonst bin ich auch planlos
hatte vor ein paar Monaten dasselbe mit meinen Zugangsdaten fürs Onlinebanking… an denen hat sich seit Jahren nichts geändert, ich gebe die Daten regelmäßig händisch ein, aber eines Tages dachte sich mein Gehirn nur nö und dann hatte ich richtig Panik (im Endeffekt war es nur ein Zahlendreher, aber ich hab viele Versuche gebraucht, um rauszufinden, welche zwei Ziffern vertauscht sind… die Bank dachte sich bestimmt sonst was bei den ganzen Loginversuchen)
I can’t remember which game it was (something on the Switch, so maybe a Nintendo game) where the game itself told you which button to press by showing four circles on screen (e.g. next to the speech bubble) and only one of these circles is filled out, so instead of a letter, you know you have to press the right button or whatever… I really like this design choice because it’s so intuitive
scheinst dich wohl in der Community vertan zu haben, weil das hier ist kein Comic…
Not exactly an app, but a few years ago, I had a lexicography lecture where we used the website Lexonomy. The interface is quite easy to understand once you get the hang of it. I don’t know how easy it is to use it and edit stuff there within a phone browser though.
Affenkollege hier, aber mit Android statt iOS
woah, that’s a really nice painting! I love the juxtaposition of the 3D- looking body and the flat clothes. With the floral background, it reminds me of Gustav Klimt’s “The Kiss”
I love the reflection of the face on the window
Ein Hoch auf die Kopierfunktion, die es einem erlaubt, auch gelöschte Kommentare zu kopieren und zu lesen
I said it once and I’ll say it again: we definitely need a charcuterie community for more delicious pictures like this one :)
what about Yoshi’s Crafted World? easy gameplay, cute aesthetics and good co-op
That’s a very liminal space
wer kennt es nicht, das werfendende Kind
That looks really cool! I think c/goblincore might like it as well :)
I wanted to write the same thing! I think it’s the shape of the head and the slender body that reminds us a lot of Hollow Knight
Two very charming (and not too expensive) roguelite games I haven’t seen in the comments yet are Blazing Beaks and Dicey Dungeons… I played them on the Switch, but I’m sure they can also be purchased through Steam etc.
In Blazing Beaks, you play different birds with different characteristics and shoot your way through various levels while collecting useful items and annoying debuffs/handicaps like for example, “you cannot shoot while you run” or “every coin you collect deals 1 damage” These debuffing items are the core mechanic - you can collect and exchange them for some really nice stuff that helps you in the long run. Lovely pixel art and really great as a 2 player local coop!
Dicey Dungeons is a little hidden gem where you play as a little dice character and have to fight turn-based encounters in order to escape the dungeon of Fortuna. The mechanics are quite simple: Roll some dice and use them to deal out damage, shield yourself, poison your enemy etc. For example, you might start with a weapon that says “deal X damage points”, so if you roll a 4 and insert it into the weapon slot, the enemy takes 4 damage points. There are a handful of different characters that all work differently (my personal favourite is the roboter where you have to gamble if you want to roll another dice to use in attacks, because once you roll too high, you lose the dice you already rolled for this round). Also, each character has a handful of different modes/rule sets so it doesn’t get repetitive. Bonus points for a pretty art style, charming enemies and some catchy tunes!
Btw, Hollow Knight is not a roguelite but a metroidvania since the levels, items and encounters are not randomized and unique in every play through, but it is absolutely worth playing!