• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • With Redhat going kinda closed-source, will its derivatives like Fedora remain viable?

    Don’t remember how Canonical shit the bed, but I’m wary of using Ubuntu derivatives.

    What would you recommend for a distro that keeps on top of security updates and is at least acceptable in terms of running games like AoE2 DE or The Outer Worlds?

  • Schadenfreudler /ˈʃɑː.dɘnˌfrɔ͜ɪd̥.lɘr/

    If you don’t know how to read IPA, roughly “SHAAH-then-FROYD-ler”

    Btw: I just constructed this word based on my native speaker intuition. I doubt that you can find it in a dictionary, because it’s not something one would force into a single word. A more natural way to say what you mean would be “Leute, die (hier) (auch) Schadenfreude empfinden”, which translates to “people who (also) feel Schadenfreude (here)”.

  • Except you don’t have to be intolerant of Salafis. They can be Salafis or not for all I or anyone else cares, what matters is whether they hate people for who they are and spread or communicate that hate.

    I’m personally not entirely sure about male to female trans athletes being allowed to compete in female-only leagues and am concerned about the wisdom of allowing sex change procedures for minors that weren’t born intersex. I wouldn’t marry a trans person and if a close family member suddenly came out as trans I might have long discussions with said family member for a while,

    But that’s it. I wouldn’t even dream of hating someone for being trans or demonizing people who are. Even if I had religious beliefs against that kind of stuff it would at worst make me worry about such a person or make me pray for them.

    If I were a moderator of a public space, I’d allow them to talk there without fear so long as they’re not actively attacking others, same as any other group.

    Likewise, you can believe that trans people are wrong and will go to whatever equivalent of hell your belief system has and I would tolerate you as long as you are civil about it, come from a position of compassion and empathy and don’t try to force people to listen to you (like by using multiple accounts to circumvent blocks and/or bans) who have clearly communicated that they don’t want to hear you anymore (same goes in the other direction, btw) and don’t try to incite others to treat them as anything other than fellow human beings.

    If someone from either side can’t do that, that person lacks tolerance and in turn can expect the same level of tolerance being directed to them.

  • Comedians and similar people who make content out of stuff they see in the news seem to be especially prone to this kind of thinking. They see an article about a phyics discovery or a math theorem or a sociology experiment and say something about science should focus on solving world hunger or curing cancer instead.

    Seemingly ignorant of the facts that
    a) Science isn’t a monolith, and a sociologist or mathematician isn’t a virologist or oncologist or whatever else would be needed for the problem they’re ranting about.
    b) Even if someone happened to be in the correct field for the problem the idiot is ranting about, they often couldn’t help with the problem anyway because they’re lacking the required experience and knowledge and just throwing people at the problem doesn’t help if those people are grad students or barely postgrads.