• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • dingus@lemmy.worldtoLemmy.World Announcements@lemmy.worldLooking for new Site Admins
    2 days ago

    Oh please. Power hungry? I have no problem with piracy, but you bet your ass I wouldn’t want the legal liability of hosting a piracy community. Do you know that in many countries, mods/admins are risking jail time when they participate in stuff like that? God forbid, some people don’t want to have to worry about going to jail. Get over yourself. There are plenty of other piracy communities all over the internet you can find on your own.

  • In school, my method of studying was to panic and do nothing until the night before. Then I would stay up all night before whatever test I had and study then. I remember always hearing that you don’t learn anything that way, but I made it through 4 years of undergrad and 2 years of grad school that way. My grades were just fine.

    My sanity, however, was not. Lol!!

  • dingus@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldIt's the talk of the town
    4 days ago

    Not really. Because my monthly bills don’t come at the same time each month. It would probably be harder to coordinate bills if you’re paid monthly here anyway. Makes more sense to have a steady cash flow imo. Imagine living paycheck to paycheck and your bill is due on the 28th, but you don’t get paid until the 1st. Some people might run out of money before their bill is due and they don’t get their next paycheck yet.

  • It’s not even a shadowban thing. I’ve noticed a lot of subs have hidden requirements for your post to show up in them. If you don’t have enough posts in the sub or your karma isn’t high enough, even if you’re not shadowbanned, your threads just straight up won’t show up… especially if you made a new account recently. But it doesn’t tell you that. It just lets you think that no one cared to look at your post.

    I’ve noticed that some subs don’t seem to be this way and my threads will show up regardless of how often I’ve posted there and regardless of my overall karma.

  • dingus@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldSPLORP!
    16 days ago

    I don’t go to natural bodies of water much. Why does it have a drowning risk?

    As someone in a warm climate, I’d be terrified of brain eating amoebas. Based on the foliage in the background though I’d bet they live in a cooler climate with much less risk of that.

  • Well, I mean it’s less weird to write “golf ball-sized hail” bcause it’s a rather common way to describe the size of hail. Energy drink cans are cylindrical, so it doesn’t make immediate sense in anyone’s brain in the sentence as a comparison. I’m guessing the author couldn’t think of a common enough spherical item of the right size to compare with. Still, I think hyphens would have immediately fixed the strangeness, like the person below you commented.

  • Odd. That’s backwards from what I generally hear people talk about. When you’re still in your early twenties, it’s very easy to meet people in college/university. Once you start getting older and leaving behind schooling and its associated extracurriculars, it gets way more difficult to meet people. Where are these 35+ people going out and finding partners? Not saying it’s impossible by any stretch of the imagination, just a lot harder.