• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • That has to be one of the dumbest articles I’ve read in a while.

    While I personally use Steam very rarely (I prefer to use DRM-free versions of games), Steam has done very little to be considered on its way towards enshittification.

    The macos situation is completely irrelevant because at this point its market share on steam is lower than linux and it makes no sense for them to invest only to be constantly screwed over by apple changing things on their platforms. My guess is it will be dropped within the next 3-5 years.

    The author points out the deprecation of Steam on older platforms, but fails to mention the fact that this wasn’t always their choice, for instance the recent drop of Windows 7 support was caused by the fact that there’s an embedded chromium browser in it and google dropped support for Windows 7 around that time. A similar situation happened for Windows XP, which was dropped in 2019, a full FIVE years after Microsoft dropped support for it, and at this time Steam on XP was only used for retrogaming, it made no sense to keep supporting it, there are better ways to get old games on XP.

    There’s barely a mention of all the good things that Valve has done for Linux gaming, but the article complains about Steam being 32 bit (which is still a requirement for wine to run, at least until the new wow64 mode becomes stable, and steam comes with its steam runtime specifically to avoid distro compatibility issues); they could have made proton only work with steam, they could have made their dxvk and vkd3d forks proprietary like nvidia did, but instead it’s all open source and very easy to build on all platforms and I use my own fork every day to play games without steam. Heck, there are even competitors for the steam deck that run proton.

    Also, can we mention the fact that Steam has not turned into yet another subscription service like some of its competitors?

    If I had to point at something that Steam absolutely did wrong, I’d say it’s allowing third party DRMs on the store, it’s a consistent source of issues, especially for old games. I understand that when they made the choice we didn’t have cancer like kernel level anticheat and denuvo, but still, Steam launching a launcher launching another launcher that launches the game is a trashy gaming experience and adds points of failure as we’ve already seen several times when big titles launch and their DRM servers go down, or when games get old and the DRM servers are shut down permanently.

    While I’m sure Steam will eventually become enshittified, I don’t see that happening any time soon, maybe after Gabe retires, and that’s why you should keep a collection of DRM free games on your drives and not rely solely on Steam and other stores.

    Just my opinion of course, feel free to disagree.

  • I may be partially responsible for this lazy ass implementation.

    3 months ago I was playing around with stable diffusion a lot and because I sleep in the same room where my PC is, I used to lower the TDP of the GPU during the night to 150w to keep it quiet. One day while SD was running, I lowered the TDP in LACT and pressed Apply but instead of getting quieter, the fans ramped up and I was shocked seeing that the card was in fact pulling 420w instead of its rated 293w (6900xt).

    I tracked down the issue to the driver incorrectly applying the power limit, basically if you set a TDP that’s too low for the current power state, the driver would disable the power limit entirely until the card entered a lower power state, after which, your new TDP would be correctly applied.

    Running a modern GPU without power limits is bad and potentially dangerous for everything involved: the GPU, the VRMs, even the power supply cables may melt as we’ve seen with nVidia cards. So I reported the issue immediately to the AMDGPU developers (my issue is linked in the article).

    They quickly came up with a fix, which I tested, which wouldn’t allow you to set a TDP lower than the lowest valid TDP for the highest power state. This gets the job done but it’s a kludge more than a fix, ideally the driver should realize that the new TDP is too low for the current power state and switch to a lower power state, and I don’t know why AMD implemented such a shitty solution in their official kernel driver.